¡Muchas gracias al alumnado y profesorado de la E.O.I. por hacer posible esta muestra de fotografía!. Ha sido nuestra aportación a las actividades del Día de la Tierra. Las imágenes y textos reflejan la variedad de espacios naturales que tanto amamos y que debemos preservar. ¡Que la disfrutéis!

Mª Dolores Aneas Torres. 2 Photo series:

Ana Lorente (1ºA). "This is Merzouga desert in the southeast of Morocco. I went there with my daughter in December 2014. It was a nice trip for me because it is a quiet and wonderful place and its sunsets are beautiful, and at night the sky was full of stars and we felt very well."

Vom Jahr, tausend achthundert einundachtzig Wandern durch die Bergen Almerias.

Ich gehe gern wandern. Mir gefällt es sehr gut.

Wandern ist mein Lieblingssport und Almeria ist gut dafür.

Wir sehen uns bald

Herzliche Grüße !!!

Sierra Nevada National Park . Hondura lagoon

We can see in this photo high mountains landscapes in The Cañada of 7 lagoons at 2981 metres near The Mulhacen, the top of The Iberic Peninsula. Although there are more than 7 lagoons in this area, Hondura lagoon represents one of the most emblematic and visited in Sierra Nevada. It is surrounded by an enormous borreguil and many sources.

You can reach the summit through different paths, however the most beautiful is from Trevélez village to the 7 lagoons. It has 16 kilometres round trip and 8 hours length. Its sign post is Pr-A27, white and yellow.

I recommend going at the beginning of summer because you are making out the melting while you are hiking to the summit. Dani Rull. B2.1.

This is a picture of an amazing stick insect ;) Ana Mª de Pinedo

Javier Ventura B.1. Set of 4 photos:

  1. The Sierra Nevada from Santa Barbara mountain

I could look amazing scenery from Santa Barbara while I was hiking to its summit, if it has snowed, you will enjoy better views. It's a place in Sierra Filabres / Baza, close to Baza, and it's an easy journey by the A92 highway.

If I were you, I would park in AR La Canaleja, but be careful because it's a rough dirt track. I suggest looking for a track called "AR La Canaleta a Prados del Rey” on the Wikiloc website. You could use a hiking app like "Mapas de España", which is free. You should download a file in .gpx format and this app will help you to arrive at your target location.

2. Title: The Pradonegro waterfall.

This waterfall is a hidden but well known place near Prado Negro. To my mind, it is an artificial waterfall from an irrigation canal called Fardes, but so impressive. Prado Negro is close to Granada and before arriving at Puerto de la Mora on the A92 highway.

It's a little promenade from the small village of Prado Negro to the waterfall and if you have enough time, I would suggest arriving at the next waterfall, which is very close to the first. If you enjoy hiking you should walk the full track from Prado Negro to Venta el Molinillo and come back, 15 km more or less.

3. Title: The Secret reef.

If you want to know the best beaches of PN Cabo Gata Nijar, you would need to park in Genoveses beach parking lot and go walking near the coastline, better on low tide days.

My favorite location is close to Cala Media Luna and you might arrive hiking to Cala Carbon, it's a short promenade from Cala Media Luna. If you don't like hiking, you can also park in Monsul parking lot.

If I had discovered hiking before, I would have been able to enjoy many more incredible places like this.

4. Title: Arab ruined cottage.

This is an old cottage close to a fish farm in Prado Negro creek. The place is near a road and you will be able to park at this point. I usually go there when we go hiking from Prado Negro to Venta el Molinillo and I suggest going there especially if you are an old-houses lover like me. It's an old cottage but it has a part that is used as a corral and if I were you I would be careful with dogs.

Aujourd'hui on ne connaît dans le monde que 7 lacs permanents de lave, cette photo (2016) nous montre l'un d'eux, la caldera du volcan Erta Ale. Au milieu du désert du Danaquil en Ethiopie se trouve cette merveille de la nature.

Arriver est très difficile non seulement parce qu’il y a une guerre civile dans le pays mais aussi parce qu’il y a des températures extrêmes et c’est une région en conflit avec l’Érythrée. Alejandro Manuel Gómez Alberola. 5ºB


Have you ever been astounded by a beautiful landscape? Aizkorri Natural Park, in the middle of Basque Country, could be that place. If you had been looking for a bank holiday location, this discovery could change your perception of beautiful things, making its mark on your life.

Firstly, to give an overall impression, one of the most famous peaks there is called Aitzgorri summit, and it is also the place where this photograph had been taken. Although this wild place is close to a wonderful village whose name is Oñati, the main way into this track starts 15 minutes by car from the town, in Arantzazu Sanctuary.

These mountains let the visitors have the feeling of some isolation that perhaps they are looking for. Indeed, it makes it very quaint, mainly because you can find not only a wetland or different summit to reach, but also a river, and a huge number of species of trees like elms, oak or beech trees. This area deserves our interest not only because it has a wide range of nature but also because it changes its landscape depending on the season of the year; when the leaves change the colour of the forest and it literally makes you feel full of the joys of spring. However, in the winter season, the snow and freezing temperatures change the views, and the mountains are covered in a white blanket with undeniable beauty.

Moreover, trekkers could find some sheep and horses grazing, and some houses from shepherds where the mountaineers can buy some cheese, until the valley disappears and only the peak is in front of you, calling you.

I took this photograph when I reached the summit some years ago. I used to travel with these two figures, both with regional dresses, the female figure from Almería, and the other one, from Basque Country, because I had promised to one friend that we would go to this place together. Finally, I kept my promise. The axe marks the highest point of the mountain, placed on top of a mailbox where mountaineers can leave a card. I can honestly say, that under no circumstances, would I recommend rejecting the opportunity to visit this place, it is absolutely worth trying!

Actividad DACE (1).pdf

Playa del Perdigal, Almería.

kika- photo

Des Eaux Turquoises


Fjorde am Mittelmeer

caminito del rey.docx

Caminito del Rey


Morne Brabant, Mauritius

Calar alto.pdf

Calar Alto, Sierra de los Filabres

Carolina Hernández.1ºA. Set of 2 photos:

This photo was taken in Galipan, in Caracas, Venezuela around May 2016. This place is very pretty, in the background you can see the Caribbean sea in La Guaira. Galipan is on the mountain Avila, this mountain separates Caracas from La Guaira.

This photo was taken in the terrace in my house in Caracas, Venezuela. It is a beautiful free young Macaw. Those birds came every day, they ate and then they flew free. The Macaws came to my home in the morning and in the afternoon, in the background you can see the Cerro El Avila, it is Natural Park in Caracas.

“Presa del Castañar. Fiñana”

Das Foto, das ich ausgewählt habe, ist die reizende Landschaft eines kleinen Dorfes namens Fiñana, das westlich von Almería liegt.

Man kann “La presa del castañar” am Ende des Wanderweges “La ruta de los Molinos” besuchen.

Diese 14 Kimlange Route verläuft parallel zum Fluss Nacimiento an mehreren Wassermühlen vorbei und ist in drei Abschnitte unterteilt, die wie folgt lauten: Fortsweg, Landstrasse und Pfad.

Obwohl der Weg nicht sehr schwer zu finden ist, ist die Beschilderung sehr schlecht. Darum haben wir uns unterwegs zweimal verlaufen.

Abschließend möchte ich euch noch einen Rat geben: Ihr solltet eine Mütze tragen, da es nur sehr wenige schattige Gebiete gibt.Genießt die Natur und respektiert die Umwelt!

Natur ist Leben.

Carmen Rosa Plazas. C1.1 Alemán.

Cette année-ci la pluie et la neige du printemps nous ont donné des belles images qui ne sont pas habituelles à Almería, comme cet arc-en-ciel, et qui nous ont fait imaginer comment seraient quelques lieux avant le réchauffement climatique : des champs verts recouverts de fleurs de plusieurs couleurs, des ruisseaux déjà disparus pleins d’eau… malheureusement, dans quelques jours tout ce ne sera plus qu’un beau souvenir.

Emplacement : « Las Menas », Village minier à Serón.

José Antonio Alcázar, 5ºB.

Josefina Fernández. Set ot 2 photos:

Cabo de Gata Natural Park

Sunset on our beach

Naturverbunden.docx (1).pdf


Documento (44).docx

Borossa Fluss

Maria Jose Matilla Nieto - ACTIVIDAD DACE (1).pdf

El Cable Inglés

David Lacasa - ACTIVIDAD DACE .pdf


Der Strand von La Concha

Inma Sanchez blasco - ACTIVIDAD DACE.pdf

Willkommen im Paradies

1st Photo series:

I want the moon



Flowers in the snow

Liliana A. Moreno Bruno. C1.1. Fotostrecke:

2nd Photo series: 1st-4th: Spring in the mountains of Gor, Baza / 5th: La Isleta,Nijar.

La Isleta, Nijar.

Fotografía paisajes. Lanteira.pdf

Lanteira, Granada

That is not Switzerland, but the mountains of Abrucena. The paradise of Almería.

The picture was taken from the Sulayr trail that surrounds all the peaks of Sierra Nevada. José Manuel Salmerón García

Georgina Barrientos. A1. Serie di foto:

Visitando Culhuay, un paese della provincia di Lima in Perù, con le mie amiche irlandesi. Questo paese si trova a 3650 metri di altitudine sul livello del mare. Faceva molto freddo quel giorno, come dimenticarlo! Ma era tutto bellissimo.

Ti chiamiamo Madre Terra e non ti rispettiamo. Quando ti guardo, sei riposo per la mia anima.

Quel giorno contemplandoti in montagna, negli uccelli e nei fiori, al sole o al freddo, anche sotto la pioggia o in un profondo silenzio, mi riempie di energia, gioia, ammirazione e gratitudine. Dove sono le persone? Là, serene, silenziose, amichevoli, come la natura. Mi dispiace perché molti di noi ci siamo lasciati avvolgere dal rumore o da quello che facciamo ogni giorno, e non sappiamo come ringraziarla per quanto è meravigliosa e per il bene che ci fa. Le mie amiche sono amanti della natura e la rispettano, e io voglio continuare a guardarti, sentirti, prendermi cura di te. Apro i miei occhi ogni giorno e scopro che ci sei tu, per me, per noi. Grazie!

Georgina Barrientos, 1º básico de Italiano

María Castillo – 1º intermedio B2 - Italiano


La leggenda viene raccontata nell'Odissea: il ciclope Polifemo, accecato da Ulisse, avrebbe scagliato contro l'eroe delle rocce per evitare la sua fuga via mare. Oggi possiamo guardare la sua bellezza che emerge dal Mar Ionio.

Aldeire, Granada




A stunning hike