General Information

This is the 188th Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. 

Click on the links below (or copy and paste the link into your browser) to answer the questions on your worksheet.

How does the Oktoberfest officially begin? 

Why, with a beer keg tapping, that's how! Click on the link below to learn more... 

Information about operating hours can be found below:

How much does a beer cost at Oktoberfest? 

Remember that the official drinking age in Germany is 16 years old, and that it's possible to see teens younger than that drinking with their parents. Drinking beer is a part of German culture. 


Oktoberfest Lost and Found (2019):

2,952 items... including: 

Lucky news: 993 items were successfully returned to their rightful owners.

source: file:///media/fuse/drivefs-a7f2bf7c249a1f35c85a614ead0878ee/root/W06_OktoberfestNumbers2019%20(1).pdf