Email Communications

Greetings, Fifth Grade Families!

My apologies for not communicating better in January. I was excited to be back in the classroom after Christmas Break and January has proven to be busy and full! We have had a lot of absences this month. Please know that if your child is absent for any length of time, I will do my best to catch them up with the most important pieces of our learning and help them feel ready to jump back in. I am so lucky to have a responsible, kind, and resilient group of students. They make our classroom a great place to be.

Here's a brief summary for our fifth-grade class.

Reading- Together, we are studying Number the Stars. Students are working on studying point of view, making inferences and writing thorough responses to the text. This book is about World War II. We have engaged in many deep classroom discussions. Of course, I realize this is a delicate and complex subject. Please be assured that I have handled the topic with great care. It might be interesting for families to ask their child questions about Number the Stars.

Students are also advancing their independent reading skills. We just began book clubs in the classroom. During this time, students will meet to discuss and set goals together. This is a great way to increase engagement and stir up some new excitement around reading! Ask your child what book they are reading in their book club!

Writing - Students are working on writing nonfiction informational essays. We’ve been learning about different informational text structures. So far, we have learned about description, compare/contrast, and problem/solution text structures. Our next writing task will be focused on our science topic, ecosystems. Students will be making decisions regarding their specific topic, writing structure, and publishing format before they begin.

Math - We have started a unit on fractions and decimals. Fifth graders are learning to add and subtract fractions, including fractions with unlike denominators and mixed numbers. Try showing your child how people use fractions and decimals in the "real world." Students play math games, work in partners or small groups and work independently to reinforce important math concepts.

As a bonus, students are learning about personal finance. The Stockwell Bank is open! Students are getting "paid" for their classroom jobs. Fifth graders can make deposits and will soon be writing checks with their Stockwell Bucks bank accounts.

Science - Fifth graders are discovering ecosystems and exploring the complexities of life in the biosphere. We will be learning about producers, consumers, and decomposers!

Art - We just finished a pencil sketching project, drawing our shoes. We practiced looking closely for details, using a pencil to create contrast and texture. Next, we’ll be looking at how lines can create depth and perspective in art.

Magic Strings and Quest will begin at the very end of this month. These 12-week programs will be twice a week for 40 minutes Monday and Wednesdays. If your child is signed up for Magic Strings, students will study the violin and learn to play tunes. Alternately, Magic Strings students will have the option to engage in innovative art rotations. Students who are in the Quest program will scientifically uncover the Great Barrier Reef. They will learn about the science involved in discovering the ecosystem and help problem-solve human impacts.

Homework- Reading homework is due on Fridays. Students are required to read and record 100 minutes of reading a week. They can also earn bonus Stockwell Bucks by completing the attached handwriting/spelling and math work. Thank you for setting up good routines for this!

And here are some dates to keep in mind:

Fri. Jan 28 - Hot Chocolate Day - 50 cents for a cup - Cocoa Day is sponsored by the PTO

Mon. Feb 14th - Valentine's Classroom Celebration Day (Valentine cards welcome, more info. to be sent home soon)

Wed. Feb 16 - Market Place Day (Bring creations and spend Stockwell Bucks)

Mid-Winter Break Feb 21 - 25 (No School)

I hope your family is enjoying the winter! It was wonderful to see the sunshine today!

As always, please let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns. Your kids are all amazing people! Thank you for sharing them with me!

Brandy Stockwell


Just a reminder…...picture day order forms were sent home last week. I’ve been told that the photo date was not on the flyer. Photos are being taken here at Southwood tomorrow, Wednesday, October 13th.

Thank you!

Brandy Stockwell

Mrs. Stockwell’s 5th Grade Classroom Website


Greetings, Fifth Grade Families!

I enjoyed chatting with some of you at last night’s open house! If you missed the open house zoom, no worries! I’ve attached a pdf version of the slide deck here for you: Open House Slides Sept. 30

Important items to note:

1. Our Classroom Webpage: Mrs. Stockwell’s 5th Grade Webpage

I am posting all helpful links and information (including past emails) here. I know how full my email inbox gets. So hopefully this can be a one-stop-shop for information. Please bookmark it for easy access!

2. Google Classroom is a great place to see what your child is working on. Ask them to share their ‘View Your Work’ page with you!

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Brandy Stockwell


Greetings, Fifth Grade Families!

As we wrap up the month of September, I wanted to share how much I am enjoying working with your kiddos! They are such a fun group of fifth graders! Please read below for classroom updates and event reminders.

Reading: We have been working reading engagement strategies as I get to know

each student as a reader. In October, we will be focusing on drawing inferences and determining themes. Ask your child what book they are reading and what environment helps them to do their best focused reading.

Writing: Wow! This class loves to write! In September we have been working on writing and understanding narrative story structures and just increasing our overall engagement and enjoyment of writing. We will continue this journey and add a focus on editing in October. Ask your child what story they are currently writing!

Math: We are working on Unit 1: Whole Number Multiplication and Division. Unit 1 Family Letter Ask your child what multiplication method(s) they understand the best and what strategy are they working to understand better.

Science: We have introduced Earth’s 4 Spheres and have begun investigating topics around Earth’s hydrosphere (water systems). Ask your child to explain how much salt water vs. fresh water can be found on Earth!

Upcoming Dates:

Read-a-Thon! Now through October 6th! Information was sent home this week from the SW PTA. Our class goal is to reach $570 and earn a movie/popcorn day! Instructions to sign up can be found here: Southwood’s Rainbow Read-a-Thon Fundraiser

Back-to-School Parent Night – Sept. 30th: This year’s Back-to-School event will be held via zoom. I look forward to meeting you and sharing some information about our school year! My zoom room link can be found here: See you Thursday at one of our two sessions: 6:30-6:55, 7:00-7:25.

Scholastic Book Orders: Due September 30th – Book order forms were sent home earlier this month. I’d like to submit those orders at the end of the month. You can order online with the following information:

Class Order Due Date: 09/30/21

Shop Our Class Page:

Shop Digital Flyers for Our Grade with Your Child:

Thank you for supporting books for our classroom!

As always, please feel free to reach out to me with questions any time!

Have a wonderful week!

Brandy Stockwell


Greetings, Fifth Grade Families!

I am Brandy Stockwell, your child’s fifth-grade teacher. I just wanted to reach out, introduce myself and let you all know that I have had the most enjoyable week with your kiddos! They are a fun group of learners! We’ve played games to get to know each other, created artwork, and shared math conversations already. They are a hard-working bunch! I look forward to getting to know them better throughout the year.

Just in case you missed it, a blue folder was sent home on the first day of school. The papers inside need to be completed for the office as soon as you are able. I’ve attached a survey to this email for you to complete. Any input that you can give me to help me get to know your child better is appreciated! I’ve also attached the “Welcome to 5th Grade” letter that was sent home as well (just in case it didn’t make it).

Parent Survey 2021-22

Welcome to 5th Grade Family Letter

Also, I made an error on the supply list last Spring. Students will need a total of 3 journals for class this year. If your child brought 2 (as was noted on the supply list) and you are able to send a third composition journal in, it would be very much appreciated. I will also be picking up some extras at the dollar store. Thank you!

I hope you all have a fantastic 3-day weekend! Please reach out to me any time!


Brandy Stockwell