Southwood- 3/4 grade

WELCOME families! 

November MOnthly Email read here

October Email- Read HERE

First Week Email/September- Read here


October 31- Halloween,- party details were sent out


3rd- Trimester ends

9th and 10th-NO SCHOOL/Teacher work day/ Veterans Day-

16-late night only, 17, 20, 21, 22- CONFERENCES-this is HALF DAYS, dismissal at 12:15

23, 24-NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break

Skill of the month-Assertiveness

This month's skill is that of assertiveness. 

Daily Schedule

This slide deck shows what a daily routine looks like for us! 

Click here to see our day


"A goal without a plan is just a wish."

Being in a split means that students will  have the opportunity to  learn independence while experiencing more choices in a traditional classroom. Each week they will have a choice of activities  that are must do's and may do's. These are aligned with weekly and monthly standards and participating WIN time, specially designed instruction based on student needs each day!

Click here to see; 

Class weekly choice board

Enumclaw's Curriculum 

 Common Core Standards/What parents should know       

Behavior Plan 

We have one rule;

"Do the right thing, even when no one is looking!"

The power of honesty, taking responsibility for one's actions, and having a choice of consequence (if needed) is a powerful skill. "Do the next right thing" teaches the kids to think before they act. Emotions can be big, and we all make mistakes in handling them.

 When a student makes a mistake at school, we will talk about it and decide what should be done to fix it. This approach helps them manage their emotions, they really want someone to just listen to them when they are upset. This fosters honest communication, something I deeply believe in.

I am also a firm believer in the power growth mindset.  We can learn so much more when we are kind to each other. We will spend the year learning about our brain, how we make decisions, and the power of yet... 

If you want to know more, click here to visit Character Strong  

Technology in the classroom

3rd/4th graders have the opportunity to fully integrate technology into our classroom! This generation of kids are  "prosumers", learning from each other. My goal is to have every student be a "techpert" in the Google platforms as they head off to the next grade and beyond. 

Meet the Teacher

 Click here to read more about me                                                                                    

We are so glad you are here!