E-Health & AI: research & applications

Moderator: Dr-Eng. Imtiez Fliss


Google Meet Link: https://meet.google.com/cek-peqy-gyx

11h - 12h : "E-Health and AI in Medicine" 

Keynote Speaker:  Pr. Jacques DEMONGEOT

Pr. Jacques Demongeot

Jacques Demongeot received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University Joseph Fourier (UJF) of Grenoble in 1976 and M.D. from UJF in 1978. Assistant UJF 1972, Maître-Assistant UJF 1979, Maître de Conférences UJF 1984, Professor at UJF and Head of Biostatistics Service University Hospital Grenoble 1985, Professor of Exceptional Class 2002, Director of TIM3, then TIMC and TIMC-IMAG (UMR UJF/CNRS 5525) from 1986 to 2011; Responsible of for the Département d’Information Médicale, then Pôle de Santé Publique since 1990 at the University Hospital of Grenoble; Senior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) from 1994 to 2004, then Honorary Senior Member (chair of Biomathematics); Responsible of for the Program;"Technologies pour la Santé" at the Ministère de la Recherche et de la Technologie (1997-2001); Chief of the Mission « Biologie des Systèmes et Complexité » at CNRS (2003-2008); Deputy Director of the French-Japanese LIA CNRS (Laboratoire International Associé) ReaDilab (2007-14); Deputy Director of AGIM (FRE UJF/CNRS 3405) (2011-2015).


Publications: 620 (Google Scholar), among them 128 in computer science (DBLP)

Citations: 12786, h-index 53, including 297 papers with over 10 citations (Google Scholar)

Invited keynote speaker at international symposia in the past 7 years: 14

12h - 12h30 : Researcher presentations 

L’IA au service de la santé publique tunisienne : cas de l'épidémiologie prédictive 

Dr-Eng. Nesrine Ben Yahia

Nesrine Ben Yahia is an assistant professor at the National School of Computer Science (ENSI), where she is the head of the Information and Decision Systems Department. Her current research interests include artificial intelligence, CSCW, social networks analysis, and intelligent decision support systems. Her teaching interests include machine and deep learning, software engineering and architecture.

Détection intelligente des troubles mentaux: cas de la dépression

Dr-Eng.  Imtiez Fliss

Imtiez Fliss is a Computer Science Assistant Professor at the National School of Computer Science, University of Manouba, Tunisia. She earned her engineering degree in Computer Science from the National School of Computer Science (Tunisia) in 2008, followed by a master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making in 2009, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2013. She is the Coordinatorof the Artificial intelligence Specialization at the National School of Computer Science . Currently, she serves as the Head of the Robotics and Soft Computing team at Laria Research Unit. Her research interests span Decision Making, Artificial Intelligence, Soft Computing, Text Mining, Sentiment Analysis, Computer Vision, and the diagnosis and prognosis of multiple faults in continuous, discrete, and hybrid complex systems.