Test Builds
Current Test Build
New in Test 5:
Optional Player Name Overlay
Play/Pause Option in Replay Mode
NAOMI boot sequence frames skipped to decrease likelihood of desyncs
Samurai Shodown VI Dipswitch Changes: English language & Stereo Audio
Ability to disable Memory Restoration (For palmod & romhack supprt at your own risk)
New in Test 4:
Offline delay & replays work for NAOMI games
Replay recording now default option
New in Test 3:
Clears session settings on menu exit
Double frame timeout for disconnect
Offline delay and replays are now being tested in this build. To enable delay, just set the offline delay below before starting an offline game.
To enable replays, be sure to check "Record All Sessions" in the Replays menu.
Current Stable Build
Flycast Dojo now has an auto updater, and will replace nvmem files before each game session if it detects a change from the defaults.
This method should help prevent desyncs going forward, since it ensures both players have the same memory before beginning.
I added support for a modified version of the FRM json format within Flycast Dojo for MD5 checksum matching and easy ROM retrieval.
For this test release, the file for locating the currently accepted Fightcade ROMs is built in, so you can just unzip this, click a game to download, and you can start a test session immediately.
To use Flycast Dojo by itself, just set yourself to HOST or JOIN a game, and exchange Match Codes with your opponent. Once you connect to each other, the host can automatically set delay by pressing "Detect Delay". As host, "Start Game" to begin.
No need for Radmin, Fightcade, or messing with firewall rules on your router.
Here is an example, with the window on the left being an instance in Oakland, CA, and the instance on the right being based out of New York. A coast-to-coast game in the US should be about 3 delay, assuming a reliable connection.
For more information, consult the documentation.