get full access to English Professionals members area where you will be able to view  all parts of existing courses and videos + all new content as and when published. You can view every course or video as many times as you want using any device that you own (no need to download anything).  Cost is €100 for one year's access. There is a free 7-day trial before any money is taken. If you cancel before the end of the seven days, you will pay nothing.

Please read the notes below before starting your subscription trial.


The members area is not open to everyone but can be accessed ONLY by subscribers - you access using your email  to identify yourself.

Granting initial access is unfortunately not yet an automated process and so , once you have started the trial ,  please send an email to  requesting access. Alternatively request access using Whatsapp (tel +39 331 410 0955). Your email will be then be added to the list of subscribers. See further setup instructions below.

How to enter the members area

Here is the site address  to save in your browser (but you will also find it as a menu option on every English Professionals website including this one)  -

The members website is hosted by Google and so you must have a Google account to gain entry.  

If your email is a Google email (or it's a company email and your company uses Google to host it), no need to do anything further - you already have a Google account by default.  Just sign in to Google as normal if asked (most people are permanently signed in to Google via their browser and so won't be asked to sign in again). 

If , however, you have a non-Google email, you will first need  to create a  Google account for free here to enable you to sign in when asked. 

The screen below shows how to create a Google account using a  non-Google email. The procedure may differ slightly depending on which country you are in. Normally you are asked to enter name and a few other details before being presented with a screen which gives you the option to either create a Google email  or use your existing non-Google email. There is NO need to create a new  Google email. 

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on