Chu Chu TV - An enthralling learning experience.

by Thanushi Mallikarachchi


Chu Chu TV, developed by Chu Chu TV Studio LLP is an app designed for children between 3-4 yers, and is used to teach the English Language. This app can be used for both first language and second language English learners. The app has surpassed 1 million downloads on Google Play, and over 6000 reviews are available before proceeding to download. Chu Chu TV is available in both Google Play and Appstore, thus giving access to both Android and iPhone users.


Chu Chu TV provides a range of activities for its users, and they are arranged according to the nature of the activity. The four main sections of the app interface include Videos, Music, Fun learning and Fun Coloring. The section "Fun learning " is especially effective for language learning, as it contains a game of "Tracing the letter." Both lowercase and uppercase letters are included here, and the child is required to trace the shape of the letter using his/her fingers via the arrow guides. This is great practice for a beginner, as it taps in to the multiple senses of the child; he/she sees the letters, and also has a tactile connection, When the child finishes tracing, two objects with names that start with the relevant letter appear on the screen (e.g. A for Apple, A for Ant) and then an auto generated voice instructs the child to touch the objects. After this, the two objects are transformed into a small animation. (e.g. The Ant is eating the Apple). The tracing activity is not only restricted to letters, and Chu Chu TV has extended it for numbers and shapes as well.

Using animation, images and a voice-over for this game engages the child with multiple sensations: visual, tactile, auditory, etc. Stimulation of multiple sensory organs is considered as a very effective method of early childhood education, and this podcast will provide more information regarding the use of visual aids and other stimuli for language development.

Another positive aspect of this App is that it contains a vast collection of nursery rhymes in the section titled "videos." Along with nursery rhymes, the section also has a collection of stories and fun shows that the child can watch. The animated characters and landscapes are vividly colorful, and as the songs and stories have subtitles, it is easy for the child to pick up new words, which is a boost in forging a full vocabulary. In the "Videos " Section, there is a fascinating option to switch into another language other than English, and a separate collection of songs/stories appears under the chosen language. The languages include Spanish, French, Portuguese, Hindi, Tamil etc., thus giving the parents an opportunity to expose the child to yet another tongue.


The main drawback of the app is that its free trial lasts only for a week. After the time duration expires, the user has to make a payment to continue accessing the app. Also, a good internet connection is needed to make the optimum use, as offline videos or activities are not available.

Secondly, the scope of the app seems limited as it lacks focus on activities related to enhancing the vocabulary. Even though songs and activities on the alphabet provide a certain space to build the child's vocabulary, some activities to use the learnt words and to explore more would have been helpful. Also, the gaming platform is restricted to the tracing activity, and the child might find it monotonous. Since age three is the period that brews curiosity in the brain, the child can benefit more by a diverse range of activities related to animated objects and images.

You can learn more about how the gears of a child's brain turns and evolves by watching this video


Chu Chu TV is an excellent app that can be used as a tool to educate beginners of English language learning, as it not only introduces the alphabet and words related to each letter, but also provides a creative method to practice writing the letters as well. Through the inclusion of songs and stories, the app has attempted to boost the vocabulary of young children, by adding entertaining lyrics to introduce fruits, different tastes, parts of the body etc. However, though the app is good for the first dose of language learning, it doesn't come with the full prescription. The platform needs to add more activities to inculcate more skills in language.

If you need any assistance in choosing an app for your child's education, here is a useful source on app-based education which contains some factors you should consider in selecting the right app for your kid!