
General Information for Group Treasurers

Purchasing will be done by Roxanne Vanderheiden: the group treasurer should email Roxanne at rvanderh@eng.ucsd.edu and copy the course TA for each purchase.

The email should include:

  • A list of items for purchasing or receipts for reimbursement
  • Assigned index number

The items listed should have a unique identifier such as a product number and a URL to the product. Please include additional descriptive instructions (color, dimension, etc) to specify the desired item if the product needs to be selected from a drop-down menu of similar options.

For orders over $100 dollars, the treasurer must get TA approval before submitting the purchase order to Roxanne.


Reimbursement should be a last resort; used only if the group urgently needs materials at short notice. If you purchase materials with your own money; you should email Roxanne with your name, address, and student ID. You will also need to send an electronic copy of the receipt to Roxanne. Checks will be mailed to your home address.

Purchasing Spreadsheet

A google spreadsheet will be shared with the group treasurer. All purchases should be logged in this document.


Each team has been allocated $400 to spend on project materials. The team treasurer is in charge of keeping track of expenses to make sure you stay within budget.