FAQ and Guidelines

Who is organizing this Festival?

This festival is being organized by the Endangered Languages Project, whose founding partners are the First Peoples' Cultural Council (Canada) and the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Department of Linguistics (USA).

To learn more, visit ELP's About Us page. If you have questions, please feel free to email us.

What languages will the Festival events be in?

All languages are welcome here at the Festival! Some talks will be in the speaker's own languages, with translation into English. If you speak English, you will be able to understand all the talks through the live translation feature of Zoom.

Some of the talks will have live interpretation into Spanish and French. If you take a look at the schedule, you will see a Spanish flag and/or a French flag next to talks which will have live interpretation into those languages. (Here is a guide to using the live translation feature in Zoom.) However, we are sorry that we cannot offer interpretation into every language for all the talks.

The coffee chat and open mic sessions will include breakout rooms for folks to chat in different languages - i.e. there will be a room to chat in Spanish, a room to chat in French, etc. But the main shared language in these sessions will be English (sorry!).

If you are a professional interpreter, and you are interested in volunteering to do live interpretation from English into your language, please contact us! We would love to make the Festival accessible to more people.

¿En cuales idiomas se realizarán los eventos del Festival? (español)

Cada lengua será bienvenida aquí en la Festival. Algunas charlas serán en la lengua del orador(a) con interpretación en Inglés. Si usted habla Inglés, podrá entender todas las charlas a través de traducción simultánea en Zoom.

En algunas charlas habrá interpretación simultánea en Español y Francés. Si ojea el horario, verá una bandera Española y/o Francesa al lado de las charlas en las cuales habrá interpretación simultánea en Español y/o Francés, y una nota amarilla. (Aquí se encuentra una guía para utilizar la característica interpretaría en Zoom.) Sin embargo, lamentamos no poder ofrecer interpretación en cada lengua para cada charla.

Las sesiones del coffee talk y open mic incluirán breakout rooms (salas?) para la gente que quiera charlar en diferentes idiomas. Habrá una sala para placticar en Español, otra para el Francés, etc. Sin embargo el idioma principal en estas sesiones es Ingles.

Si usted sea intérprete profesional y le interese ofrecerse a interpretar en vivo del Inglés a su lengua, favor de contactarnos! Nos importa la accesibilidad y nos encantaría hacer que la Festival esté disponible a tanta gente que sea posible.

What kind of accessibility features (for Deaf, hard-of-hearing, or visually impaired people) will there be at the Festival?

We want this event to be accessible to as many people as possible, including Deaf and hard-of-hearing people! Unfortunately, we don't have the budget to provide live ASL interpretation for the talks. There also will not be visual description for the events. We are truly sorry for this barrier, and we hope for future events we will have funding for sign language interpretation and live visual description, as well as other accessibility features.

However, there will be auto-generated live captions in English for all talks - for anyone who can read English, all of the talk sessions will be live-captioned.

How will my registration information be used?

We will never share, sell, or otherwise use the information you provide when registering for the Festival of Indigenous Languages, except for the following purposes:

  • Contacting you with information about the Festival before, during, and shortly after the Festival

  • Entering you in the Festival giveaway raffle, and contacting raffle winners

  • Adding you to the ELP mailing list, if and only if you choose to subscribe on your registration form

Please note that these talks will be recorded and made available to the public. Your name might be visible to the public if you ask a question during the talks.

Did you say something about a raffle? How can I enter?

Everyone who registers for the Festival, and attends at least two sessions, will be entered to win one of three copies of the Routledge Handbook of Language Revitalization! These will be in ebook (digital) format, so anyone in the world can receive a copy. (We're sorry, this book is currently only available in English.)

ELP will randomly select winners at the end of the Festival, during the final session on January 23, after Tracey Herbert's talk. We will announce winners during that session, so if you are able to tune in and join the excitement of seeing raffle winners get chosen, please do!

If winners do not reply to our attempts to contact them within 7 days, we will select another winner in their place, so be sure the email address you use to register is working!

What are the general guidelines for participating in the Festival?

This Festival is a place for everyone to gather in community, share their knowledge, cultures, and languages, and find encouragement and inspiration. We ask everyone to interact with each other in a good way - respectful, positive, and kind.

  • Please don't use profanity or vulgar language - we may have children (or people who do not like profanity) joining us.

  • We will tolerate absolutely no: harassment; racism; sexism; hate speech against religions, cultures, gender identities, sexual orientations, or any other broad groups of people; encouragement of violence or self-harm; or otherwise being a disrespectful or unkind. There will be a zero-tolerance policy for this type of behavior, enforced at the discretion of the event organizers.

  • Please do not speak badly of others' work. You may disagree with the methods someone is using to reclaim or revitalize their languages, and that's fine - but this is not a place to denigrate others or their efforts to strengthen their languages. If you have helpful suggestions for someone's work, you might contact them and ask them if they want suggestions or feedback, before offering it to them.

  • Here at the Festival, no language is better than any other language. We are here to celebrate the beauty and importance of language diversity, and to lift up all languages. We ask you not to claim that any language is more important, more worthy of respect, more deserving of existence, etc. than any other.

  • When using the chat function, or participating in open mic/coffee chat sessions, do not share other people's personal information (their full names, emails, location, phone number, or any other identifiable details). If you would like other people to be able to contact you, you are welcome to share your own contact information, but be mindful that you are essentially putting it up in public!

  • ELP and the Festival organizers reserve the right to remove people from online events, at our discretion, if someone is causing harm, offense, disruption, or otherwise being unpleasant.

¿Cuáles son las pautas para participar en el Festival? (español)

Éste es un lugar para juntarnos todos en comunidad, para compartir nuestras culturas, lenguas, y nuestro conocimiento, y para encontrar apoyo e inspiración. Pedimos que todos se relacionen bien - con respeto, positivos, y amables.

  • Favor de no usar vulgaridades - podrían estar presentes jóvenes (o gente que no le gusten vulgaridades) en la sesión.

  • Absolutamente no se tolera: el acoso; el racismo; el sexismo; el discurso de odio contra religiones, culturas, identidades de género, orientaciones sexuales, o cualquier otro amplio grupo de gente; el fomento de la violencia o la autolesión; o estar irrespetuoso/a o antipático/a. Tenemos una política de tolerancia cero para este tipo de tratamiento, impuesta a la discreción de las organizadores del evento.

  • No hable mal del trabajo de otros. Es posible que esté en desacuerdo con los métodos que alguien usa para reclamar o revitalizar sus lenguas, eso está bien. Pero este no es un lugar para menospreciar otros o sus esfuerzos para fortalecer sus lenguas. Si tiene alguna sugerencia para alguien, puede contactarlo y preguntar si quiera sugerencias o notas, antes de manifestarle su opinión.

  • Aquí en el Festival, ninguna lengua es mejor que cualquiera otra. Estamos aquí para celebrar la belleza y la importancia de la diversidad de las lenguas, y promocionar todas las lenguas. Le pedimos no afirmar que cualquiera lengua sea más importante, más digna de respeto, más merecedora de existencia, etc. que cualquiera otra.

  • Si use el chat o participe en una sesión de open mic or coffee chat, no comparta la información personal de otras personas (por ejemplo nombres completos, emails, ubicaciones, números de teléfono, o cualquier otro detalle identificable). Si le gusta que otros le contacten, favor de compartir su propia información de contacto, pero tenga en cuenta que estaría difundiendo su información al público.

  • El ELP y los organizadores del Festival reservan el derecho de eliminar a alguien de los eventos, a nuestra discreción, si cause daño, ofensa, disrupción, o esté desagradable en cualquiera otra manera.

What are some guidelines for participating in open mics and coffee chats?

The Festival will feature several informal gatherings - everyone is welcome to come and share about their language work, share a song or brief story in their languages, and chat with each other.

Since this is an international gathering, we ask that you...

  • Be mindful of the limited time, and other people's desire to share as well. If you're going to share a song or story, please make it a brief one - no more than 5 minutes.

  • You are welcome to share in any language you like! If you would like to also translate into a language of wider communication, you are welcome to.

  • Please do not share anything featuring graphic violence, sex, or disturbing themes - there are times and places for that kind of expression, but this Festival is not it.

    • Rule of thumb: If you wouldn't say it to your Elder or grandparent, your little child, your religious leader, or your boss, it probably isn't a good idea to share it at the Festival!

  • If you can't agree to these guidelines, please do not join the gathering sessions. You can always watch the talks instead!

¿Cuáles son las pautas para participar en las sesiones de open mic y coffee chats? (español)

El Festival cuenta con varias reuniones informales. Todos están bienvenidos a venir y compartir sobre su trabajo, compartir una canción o una cuenta corta en sus lenguas, y charlar con los demás.

Puesto que esta es una reunión internacional con varios tipos de gente, le pedimos que…

  • Tenga en cuenta el tiempo limitado, y que otros querrán compartir también. Si va a compartir una canción o cuenta, favor de mantenerla bien corta (menos de cinco minutos).

  • Está bienvenido/a a compartir en cualquiera lengua que usted prefiere! Puede traducirlo en un idioma de comunicación más grande si quiere, pero no se requiere.

  • No comparta ningún material que presenta la violencia grafica, el sexo, o algún tema inquietante. Hay tiempos y espacios para ese tipo de expresión, pero este Festival no es así.

    • Regla general: si no diría a un Anciano o sus abuelos, a su niñito joven, a su líder religioso, o a su jefe/a, no lo compartas aquí.

  • Si no está de acuerdo/a con estas pautas, por favor no se reúna en estas sesiones. ¡Puede mirar las otras charlas!