SEMHS Online Learning Resources
To help our teachers create "high-quality online learning experiences for students."
To help our teachers create "high-quality online learning experiences for students."
Please go to the menu above to find a resource you can use to enhance your curriculum.
Please go to the menu above to find a resource you can use to enhance your curriculum.
Don't hesitate to reach out to one or more of us in the team to help you implement the resource into your digital classroom.
Don't hesitate to reach out to one or more of us in the team to help you implement the resource into your digital classroom.
Personalized Help
Personalized Help
Online Office Hours
Online Office Hours
Fred Bautista -- I am available at any time. Please arrange an appointment through text or ask a question through email.
text: (626) 372-5701
Michelle Morales - I am available at anytime to help you in any area, be it curriculum modification for distance learning or tech .
You can email me,
Text me at (323) 449-9835
Isaac Gonzalez
text me at (909) 736.5466
Natasha Lelchuk - Available anytime by appointment.
Text me at (562) 852-8775
Nicole Wessel - Available anytime by appointment
Text me at (714) 853-0892
The Teacher Resource Team (TRT) remains committed in its vision to "provide support to teachers in the use of e-learning instructional methodologies" during this time of distance learning and afterward.
The Teacher Resource Team (TRT) remains committed in its vision to "provide support to teachers in the use of e-learning instructional methodologies" during this time of distance learning and afterward.
The TRT is committed to providing professional development opportunities to all teachers who wish to web-enhance and/or blend their courses, as well as those with the desire to teach and/or develop hybrid curriculum for their courses.
The TRT is committed to providing professional development opportunities to all teachers who wish to web-enhance and/or blend their courses, as well as those with the desire to teach and/or develop hybrid curriculum for their courses.