SC Resource List
SC Resource List
Summer Workshops
Summer Workshops
Summer teacher workshop via online learning. $500 stipend for those completing the workshop. Asynchoronous and Synchoronous learning in the Science classroom. This will segway into the our Distance Learning in the Fall. I encourage everyone to sign up for the course. This will support our Distance Learning as we begin the 2020-2021 school year.
Summer teacher workshop via online learning. $500 stipend for those completing the workshop. Asynchoronous and Synchoronous learning in the Science classroom. This will segway into the our Distance Learning in the Fall. I encourage everyone to sign up for the course. This will support our Distance Learning as we begin the 2020-2021 school year.
Online Learning
Online Learning
Supporting Virtual Learning
1) Assign Content
2) Take a Virtual Field Trip
3) Assign a Pre-Made Lesson Activity
4) Design Your Own Multimedia Lesson
5) Unleash Student Creativity
Web-Based Inquiry Science Environment
Web-Based Inquiry Science Environment
Online Simulations that Power Inquiry and Understanding
Online Simulations that Power Inquiry and Understanding
1) World's Largest Library of MA & SC Simulations
1) World's Largest Library of MA & SC Simulations
2) GIZMO of The Week
2) GIZMO of The Week
3) Build Deep Conceptual Understanding
3) Build Deep Conceptual Understanding
4) Preparing Teachers for Success
4) Preparing Teachers for Success
Online resources for Computer Science teachers.
Interactive Science Lessons
Interactive Science Lessons
It's made of Genetics and Evolution. May have to go over the ppt, because it's interactive with hyperdocs. Students can download items. Some forms are not editable PDF, so students can copy the answers on google docs. Some of the creators google docs are "request access", but I'm sure you can use your own doc. The pictures on the right are downloadable.
It's made of Genetics and Evolution. May have to go over the ppt, because it's interactive with hyperdocs. Students can download items. Some forms are not editable PDF, so students can copy the answers on google docs. Some of the creators google docs are "request access", but I'm sure you can use your own doc. The pictures on the right are downloadable.
Description: 2 week hyperdoc with for students to follow using 3 Dimensions of NGSS
Description: 2 week hyperdoc with for students to follow using 3 Dimensions of NGSS
Biology teaching resources
Biology teaching resources
Biology teaching resources and worksheets from the science teacher are arranged in alphabetical order to make topics easier to find. The level of the biology activity (Key Stage 3 and GCSE/iGCSE) is indicated for each resource
Interactive Evolution Lesson Plan - Shared folder with activities. Have students make copies. Lesson Plan Folder
Interactive Evolution Lesson Plan - Shared folder with activities. Have students make copies. Lesson Plan Folder
Virtual Labs
Virtual Labs
Videos and Lessons provided by various companies