Terry Fox Fundraiser 2021

Welcome to our Terry Fox Fundraiser.

To make a pledge. Click HERE:

This year a team of *Grade 5 students, Ms. Childs (Entrepreneurial program head), Mr. Rio ( Phys ed. teacher), a Ms. Noami ( Art teacher) and Mr. Daskalakis (Principal) worked collaboratively to raise money for the Terry Fox fundraising campaign !

Early on in September ten grade five students: Rabeca, Logan, Talaya , Gabriel, Oscar, Abigail, Emily, Gunner, Emma and Yunjoo approached Ms. Childs to find out if they could make headbands to raise money for Terry Fox. They spent their recess period making headbands and jewelry to sell at the Terry fox event. They also used this time with Mrs. Childs support to make posters which they hung on the walls of the school to advertise the upcoming event.

Mr. Rio set up a pledge page, and organized the event. Students made a website to advertise the prices of their goods.

Ms. Noami, the art teacher, pitched in and together the students made over 50 items! Many of them were displayed on this website. Together we raised a lot $1,600!


Headbands are $3
Fill out the form below with the number of the headband you would like to purchase and a grade 5 student will come to your class to give him or her a headband. If you would like to purchase one? Please fill out the order form with proof that you have donated on-line, or give your son or daughter $3.00-5.00 dollars and a grade 5 student will come to his or her class to distribute them. If you have made a pledge on-line, please send proof of donation and your son or daughter will be able to choose a headband.









*10 Grade 5 Students: Rabeca, Logan, Talaya , Gabriel, Oscar, Abigail, Emily, Gunner, Emma and Yunjoo