
"The mission of Damamania is about teaching students to to lose their fear of speaking and acting in front of people. Students are invited to imagine themselves as animals or different people. We play improvisational games like apple seeds growing into trees, the bean game and act out stories like ”There was an old lady who swallowed a fly”, and “we are going on a bear hunt!” - Katherine Childs

Many productions that go on at St. Gabriel School, some of them turn into drama performances, others are about collaborative storytelling. Here is a short audio file of Mrs. Child's brainstorming story ideas with children and making them come to life. Mrs. Child's is an extra-ordinary support staff member who brings such positive energy to St.Gabriel school through her entrepreneurial and drama program. She also invites her partner Mr. Pierre who is an experience actor and screenwriter to help her create Dramamania. Check out 2021-2022 Productions

2020-2021 Productions

But I Don't Want to Go to Bed! By Grade 2

A theatrical performance directed by Ms. Child's and Mr. Pierre

Narrator: Elisa,
Stage manager Ryan

Little Tiger: Oliva,
Elephant Benjamin

Tigers Mum: Sofia

Lion, Monkey, Jaguar, Crocodile, Cheetah, Impala, Bush Baby and Slow Loris : Milan, Andre, Lucas, Shea, Juan, Makel, Leyla and Vivian

2020- 2021 Productions

Puppet Shows by Pre-K

Butterflies, unicorns, puppies and kitties !

Becoming butterflies in the park

Stone Soup by Grade 1

Dinosaurs B-B-Q by Grade 2

( coming soon ) A special E-Pub

Pirates! by Grade 3

Dinosaurs by SEEDS Kindergarten