Art and Drama

Drama in the Oasis Theatre

Directed by Mr. Pierre,
Produced by Ms. Childs

Performed by Grade 3A and 3B

Directed and Produced by Ms. Naomi

Performed by Grade 3A

Directed by Mr. Pierre,
Produced by Ms. Childs

Performed by Grade 2A& 2B

Directed by Ms. Naomi, students wrote comedic monologues. 

Performed by Grade 6

Collaborative Geometric Quilt Project: 

Pre-K to Grade 6. Each student  created a piece of the quilt in the homeroom.  This project was facilitated by Ms. Naomi Aldrich and Ms.  Laura Douglas.

Wacky Hat Day/Fundraising Event:
Grade 1 to 6 students will create wacky hats with N. Aldrich. Collect 2$ donations for Share the Warmth

Outdoor Arts Workshops:

 On Thursday 17 Student had Art workshops outside to decorate the school .