
Unsure about what fits your needs and your budget? I hear you. 

Depending on your health goals, your accountability needs, and your medical history, I will recommend options that meet your needs and your budget. 

Book a FREE inquiry call

Health Consultations (30 Minutes, $65)

These single visit 30-minute consultation sessions are designed for tapping into my clinical expertise, health education, and focused recommendations to manage your health and reach your goals.

Before getting started, we'll have a 15-minute phone call to see if this option is a good fit, and to better understand your health situation and medical history. 

Initial Intake for Ongoing Holistic Health Coaching (60- 90 Minutes, $115-$155)

A one-time initial intake session is required to deeply understand you and/or your family's complex and unique health situation, including past medical history. We explore your unique goals in order to get the most out of your coaching sessions that follow and create an initial customized plan of recommendations that works for you. We explore the power of better nutrition and healthy eating patterns to manage weight and other health concerns, opportunities to get more active, stress management, and healthy sleep. We take an in-depth look into the bio-psycho-social factors impacting your health. After this session, you'll have a plan tailored to your needs and goals, ready to put into action. 

Note: If you require medical considerations or have a complex health situation, as determined by an inquiry call, the 90 minute consultation will be required in order to provide safe and optimal care.

1:1 Holistic Health Coaching Session (30- and 60- Minutes, $65 and $115)

During coaching sessions, we aim to create self-awareness and gain valuable insights, tap into motivation, and build your capacity, competence, and confidence in managing your health long-term. We continuously explore and reassess goals, address evolving problems or barriers, add on to and adjust your health action plan as needed. We will track results to monitor progress. I'll provide you with ongoing accountability, education, resources, and tools specific to your needs. 

The minimum commitment is 1x  monthly 60-minute session, or 2 x 30-minute sessions bi-weekly to remain onboard as a client.

Email support is included with some limitations depending on complexity. Additional coaching sessions (30- or 60-minutes) may be recommended depending on needs and time required to address them.

Flexible booking and pay as you go. 

3 Month Package, Holistic Health Coaching ($1095)

Comprehensive support beyond weight management to improve your metabolic health. Involves customized planning and recommendations tailored to your unique health and/or medical needs. Ongoing weekly accountability and support to help you reach your goals, including unlimited detailed email support, and 1:1 video health coaching sessions weekly over the 12 weeks. 

Contact me for more information.

Coaching Program (8 weeks): Metabolic Harmony

Coming Soon!

Consultations, Corporate Engagements & More 

eMpower: Nurse Coach and Consultant would love to work with you! Available for corporate or community events, workshops, lunch and learns, speaking engagements and more.