
Information regarding 4th grade band instrument fitting can be found under the 4th Grade Band tab!

4th Grade Band

5th Grade Band

Middle School Band

Deerfield Music

Emmons is serviced through Deerfield Music out of Deerfield, IL! We have a representative that visits the school each week for anything that we need. Need reeds? A mouthpiece? Instrument Repair? Give them a call or visit their website and it will be delivered to Emmons!


Phone: (847) 945-1322

Private Lesson Instructors

While private lessons are not required, the are highly recommended. Through private study, instrumental students are able to receive additional assistance in areas that they are struggling through 1-on-1 instruction. Please refer to the link below for a list of private lesson teachers in the area. Let Ms. Bering know if you have any questions!