Friday 22 March
9.30am - 2:30pm
Bowker Oval

Our Year 3-6 students from both campuses will join together for a fun day of sports activities and community celebration. Families are welcome to come and spectate and encourage our children throughout the day.


Location: Bowker Oval, 61 Bowker St, North Brighton

Time: 9:30am-2:30pm

Coffee: A coffee van will be available for parents to purchase from

Transport: All students will be transported by College buses to and from the oval. Any students who choose to be dismissed from Bowker St at the end of the day must be signed out with the student’s classroom teacher before leaving the oval.

Uniform: Students may wear a plain t-shirt in their house colour (no logos) and additional accessories reflecting the colour of their House: Topaz Yellow, Ruby Red and Emerald Green. All other clothing items are to be correct Emmaus PE uniform. 

What to bring: 

Please ensure your child applies sunscreen in the morning before coming to school. Sunscreen will also be available at the oval for students to reapply throughout the day. There will be a pre-ordered BBQ sausage sizzle lunch on the day. If your child does not eat sausages, you will need to provide a packed lunch. The canteen will not be available.

We respectfully ask that spectators remain clear of classes as they are participating, to enable our staff and student leaders to run the activities as smoothly as possible. Our staff have a duty of care responsibility for the children.

Event Map