Oral Presentations

Session 1A: 9-9:45am.

Moderated by Roxanne Katus.

Dorothy Zahor

Did the Flint water crisis pollute urban soils? A look at urban bird blood lead

Kenneth Glynn

Examining the blood lead/age dynamic of a songbird, following the Flint, Michigan water crisis

Molly Dixon

Are urban snakes eating nonnative species? Analyzing snake diets with DNA barcoding.

Session 1B: 9-9:45am.

Moderated by Rema Reynolds.

Tasfia Bari

Intrusion Detection System influence upon Healthcare Information Security

Sarah Yaw

How Random Are Random and Pseudo-random Number Generators

Wendy Lawrence

"Swastikas in my book": Understanding the experiences of Jewish students

Session 2A: 10-10:45am.

Moderated by Eric Acton.

Alyssa Allen

Mitchell Devore

Lacey DiFranco

L'Meese Greaney

Whitney Smith

Evidence of Social Preference for Supraregional Phonology in Younger Speakers: The Case of Metro Detroit

Alyssa Allen

Analyzing Female Subservience Stereotype Reinforcement in Virtual Assistants such as Apple's Siri and Amazon's Alexa

L'Meese Greaney

On the Syntactic and Pragmatic Interpretation of the Imperative Discourse Marker ‘Look, here’s the deal.’

Session 2B: 10-10:45am.

Moderated by John McCurdy.

Wendy Shepard

German Prisoners of War: Re-education in America 1943-1946

Katrina S. Finkelstein

The Losing Side of Commemoration: Confederate Memory at Gettysburg

Rachael Schnurr

Race, Womanhood, and Adaptation to Settler Colonialism in the Diaries of Mary Hobart Williams

Session 3A: 11-11:45am.

Moderated by Jenny Kindred.

Catherine Peterson

Women and High Level Leadership: A Literature Review of Work Life Balance and Benevolent Sexism

Brittany Nicol

What do we know about the effect rural arts festivals have on local stakeholders in their communities?

Krysta Mahl

To Stan or Not To Stan: A Look at Ethics In Fan-Based Performance

Session 3B: 11-11:45am.

Moderated by Joseph Engwenyu.

Zhanar Tuleutayeva

To what extent do university prevention efforts address existing issues of campus sexual misconduct and sexual assault in the U.S.?

Connor K. Ashley

The Failure of the Democratic Turnhalle Alliance (DTA) in Namibia, 1978-1990: The Tragedy of anti-Apartheid, anti-SWAPO Politics

Michael Seitter

The emergence of the bus in Detroit

KEYNOTE: 12-1pm.

Please click here to join the keynote speaker session.

Shawn T. Mason, PhD

Keynote Speaker

L'Meese Greaney

Three Minute Thesis 1st place winner

Dorothy Zahor

Three Minute Thesis 2nd place winner

Session 4A: 1:30-2:15pm.

Moderated by Jennifer Glass.

Elizabeth Petrie

Netnographic Study on how the Transgender Population is Characterizing their own Medicalization

Kyle VanAntwerp

Balance Confidence Among Upper Extremity Amputees

Sapthalee Dissanayake

A nutrition-enhanced food distribution program for a low-income Asian American community

Session 4B: 1:30-2:15pm.

Moderated by Herman Tang.

LeAnna Hyer

Return on Investment ISO 9001:2015 for small businesses

Victoria Behringer Walter

Internet Privacy Arms Race: DoH/DoT, ISPs, and Legislation

Constance Bender

Harmonization of a Supplier Management System: A Case Study

Session 5A: 2:30-3:15pm.

Moderated by Jill Dieterle.

Casey Miller

Form Follows Dysfunction: John Keats’ Opium Habit and the Dismodern Subject

Lisa M. Gawel

Non-Apparent Hermeneutical Injustice: “Not Disabled Enough”

Lauren Williams

Shifting Conceptions of Dependency

Session 5B: 2:30-3:15am.

Moderated by Herman Tang.

Hamza Al-Jundi

Design and Implementation of a Virtual Reality Manufacturing Planning Framework

Dipal Halder

Future of Drafting in Renewable Energy

Qiheng Zheng

Jonah Nelson

Dipal Halder

Hema Vanasarla

Autonomous Golf Cart Project

Session 6A: 3:30-4:15pm.

Moderated by Karen Saules.

Julie Wojtaszek

Changes and moderating influences on addictive and mental health symptoms associated with COVID-19

Nikola Lehotska

Effective Design of Online Intercultural Exchanges among Successful EFL Teachers in Slovakia

Stacia Proefrock

Working with adult ESL students: Lessons from the trauma-informed healthcare approach

Session 6B: 3:30-4:15pm.

Moderated by Robert Carpenter.

Kelsey Hyde

Dual System Hypothesis Implementation

Janet Leppala

Negative Teacher Perceptions of African American English: Consequences and Potential Solutions

Kat Naish

Kimberly Dixson-Ferrell

How Trauma Informed Practices Inclusive of Poverty Simulation Can Help Educators Better Understand Their Students