
All EUSD Schools Are Closed until end of school year

With the growing concerns regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, the health and well-being of our students, staff, and community remain a top priority. Based on this week’s press conference by Governor Newsom, California Department of Education (CDE) and the statement from Alameda County Superintendent of Schools, L. Karen Monroe, Emery Unified School District will remain closed for in-person instruction through the remainder of the 2019-20 school year.

Grab and Go Meals

During the closure, and now the shelter in place order, our Food Services Department will continue to provide curbside breakfast and lunch meals twice a week for any child 18 and under. Children will be able to pick up multiple days worth of food to take home and must be present during pickup of each meal. We will be open at the following times and days:

  • Monday: 10:00-12:00 (3 breakfasts/3 lunches per student)

  • Thursday: 10:00-12:00 (2 breakfasts/2 lunches per student)

  • Meal pickup will be on 1100 47th Street, Emeryville (High School side)

  • Please bring a grocery bag or cooler to bring food home for the week.

Work Packet Pick Up Schedule

If distance learning using online resources (outlined in detail on the elementary and middle school pages) is not an available option, packets of work specific to each teacher will be available. Please look out for details regarding our next round of packets and pick up time.

Family Resources and Supports

In troubling, uncertain times like these, EUSD offers the link to resources for emotional support along with other resources to assist with other family needs such as food and rent assistance: http://emeryusd.k12.ca.us/family-resource/

In Need of A Student Device?

We are taking formal requests from families regarding the need for devices. Based upon the verified need for devices, we will reach out to families to coordinate the distribution of the devices (while practicing social distancing). We aim to provide devices as early as next week.

​Due to a limited quantity, we ask that families only request a device if your child is in need of a device to continue with the instruction. We want to make sure that students without any access to a device are given priority. If needed, please go to the "Request a Device" tab.

Take Care Of Yourself During These Times

&Taking Care of your Family during Coronavirus Fact Sheet : Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress (CSTS)

Just for Kids: A Comic Exploring the New Coronavirus: National Public Radio

Talking to Teens & Tweens about Coronavirus : The New York Times

Talking At All Ages from Germs to Coronavirus Q&A: Scholastic



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