Media Lessons

Media Center Orientation

Students will learn where to find books in the Media Center, how to care for their books, and the procedures for checking out and returning their books.Media Center Orientation - Students will learn where to find books in the Media Center, how to care for their books, and the procedures for checking out and returning their books.


Students will learn more about the Dewey Decimal System and how to look up books in the Online Card Catalog. Students will also be given a demonstration in Fiction vs. non-fiction.

Elements of Literature in Fiction

Students will be introduced to the main elements of literature-- character, setting, plot, and point of view. Students will listen to a story and determine the story elements as a class. Afterward students will imagine elements for their own story and will begin a first draft, which will be completed in their classroom.

Parts of a Book

Students will learn the different parts of a book: Title Page, Table of contents, Glossary, and Index.

Reference Skills

Students will be introduced to various types of reference books: Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Almanac, and Thesaurus

Internet Skills

Students will explore the various tools on the Internet and learn how to do Internet searches to find information,


Students will discover and explore a variety of biographies and learn the difference between biographies and autobiographies.

Research Skills

Students will learn the basics of doing research - choosing a topic, taking notes, citations, plagerism, etc.

Email Etiquette

Teachers may sign up for a time using to bring the entire class for instruction, research, or any number of other reasons.