Comments from Emeriti Faculty

Architecture was a great addition to the department’s curriculum and Ed, Williamsburg’s premier architect, was just the person for the job. He was a wonderfully genial colleague and a terrific teacher.

--Alan Wallach

Dear Ed,

This must be false news: you are too young to retire. I should have said the following earlier. It was always nice to come to your studio and to see what our students were doing. While we know them in different contexts, we do share our students. And I know from talking about aspirations and post-graduation plans that they admired and learned so much from you. You must be proud to see their works and their careers develop. In addition to your designs and buildings, I always admire your dedication to music. We share the interest though, perhaps, different gods. Still, I know you and I share the knowledge that music keeps us sane though not necessarily apparent in my case. You are entering a wonderful chapter with time to do all you wish. Your calling does not stop, of course, and I expect to be seeing even more from your drawing table.

All good wishes and with hopes we meet soon in a mask-less future.

Miles Chappell