Fees & Cancellation Policies*

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*sponsors should refer to the sponsorship agreement for cancellation/refund details

Registrants are encouraged to save a copy of their registration confirmation for their records should their college/organization require documentation.

In the unlikely event that a VCCS-hosted conference/training/retreat is canceled or postponed due to insufficient enrollments or unforeseen circumstances, the VCCS will fully refund registration fees but cannot be held responsible for any other expenses, including cancellation or change charges assessed by airlines, hotels, travel agencies or other organizations.

*sponsors should refer to the sponsorship agreement form for cancellation/refund details

Cancellation occurs by the posted deadline:

Cancellation occurs after the posted deadline or is marked as "No Show":

Onsite registrations *if available, check with logistics@vccs.edu before attempting to register onsite

Registration and management fees are paid by the attendee’s sponsoring community college or organization.

VCCS college presidents reserve the right to pass management fees to employees who incur them.

Appeal Process

Appeals to the fee policy will only be considered after an event has concluded. If you feel that your reason for cancellation/no-show is covered by the VCCS’ Valid Extenuating Circumstances listed below, contact logistics@vccs.edu for consideration. We require appeals to be submitted no later than 14 days from the event start date and may require valid supporting documentation.

Valid extenuating circumstances include:

Other extenuating circumstances may be considered on a case-by-case basis.