Fall Workshop

Tuesday, October 24 from 9:00AM - 3:00PM

Virginia Western Community College - Whitman Theater

3099 Colonial Ave., SW

Roanoke, VA 24015


9:00 AM


9:15 AM


9:30 AM

Ice Breaker | Networking Activity

10:00 AM

Session 1: Sweet Surrender - Susan Perry - Commonhealth

Financial Aid is high stress environment, after a wild day chocolate or other sweets are our go-to to recharge for the rest of the day. However, too much sugar is linked to several health issues so join Susan Perry from Commonhealth to dive in and explore several ways to cut back and thrive. We will also go over some office exercises that you can utilize to help you recharge each day.

10:50 AM


11:00 AM

Session 2: Developing Your Personal Mission Statement - Brad Barnett - NASFAA/JMU

Have you really thought about what's most important to you in life? What do you value? What's your purpose? What do you hope to accomplish? And how do your day-to-day habits move you closer or further from these goals? This is larger than just looking through the lens of your work. Instead, this is about you as a person. Developing a personal mission statement can help keep you on track, and motivate you, towards having a more fulfilled and purposeful life.

12:00 PM


1:00 PM

Session 3: Making Your Voice Heard - Megan Hartless - BRCC

A quick lab on polishing up your public speaking skills along with some tips on how reach your students, faculty/staff, and community for the FAFSA Simplification and advocating for resources for your office.

1:50 PM


2:00 PM

Session 4: Personal Wellness- Debra Johnson & Kirsten Basham- Radford University

In this session, we will identify some of the Dimensions of Personal Wellness and provide tips and strategies to strengthen your wellness journey. 

2:50 PM

Closing | Survey Info