Marine Reproductive and Comparative Endocrinology Laboratory
成為我們研究團隊的成員吧! (Join Our Research Team)
成為我們研究團隊的成員吧! (Join Our Research Team)
● 喜歡"Bench work",也不討厭摸魚摸蝦摸軟絲的你/妳
● 喜歡"Bench work",也不討厭摸魚摸蝦摸軟絲的你/妳
(If you enjoy bench work and don't mind racing aquatic animals, our lab could be a great opportunity for you)
(If you enjoy bench work and don't mind racing aquatic animals, our lab could be a great opportunity for you)
● 除了待在研究室做實驗,也能跑去海邊/船上採集樣本的你/妳
● 除了待在研究室做實驗,也能跑去海邊/船上採集樣本的你/妳
(If you're happy to go to the seaside or take a boat to collect samples, please let me know)
(If you're happy to go to the seaside or take a boat to collect samples, please let me know)
● 不介意實驗室PI是"I型"人格,能忍受老闆/實驗室成員無法"無微不至照顧"的你/妳
● 不介意實驗室PI是"I型"人格,能忍受老闆/實驗室成員無法"無微不至照顧"的你/妳