Format and Schedule

The meeting will span 2 days (November 14-15, 2017), with 1 day post-conference field trip (November 16, 2017) to northeastern coastal areas to observe the evidence of anthropogenic impacts to natural coastal environments, industries of local fishery and mineral resources, and past sea level changes from coral terrace. We will spend 2 days in November 14-15, 2017 for presentations from invited speakers and attendants. The following themes will be highlighted, but not exclusively in the workshop:

1. Bio-geological and oceanographic studies on the western Pacific;

2. Earth and ocean environmental changes since early Quaternary;

3. Historical background of maritime transportation in the western Pacific;

4. Marine culture and human utilization in the context of natural environmental change;

5. Marine fisheries and resources in the western Pacific;

6. Bio-medical and seafood culture in the East Asian countries.