



一、 資格:具統計、資料科學及相關科學領域之博士學位

二、 專長領域:理論、應用統計及資料科學相關科學領域之研究

三、 申請截止日期:資格審查將自2022年10月1日開始,直到發現適合人選為止

四、 檢具資料:

1. 現在與未來研究方向說明

2. 履歷表(含個人學經歷、著作目錄及曾獲得之學術獎項)

3. 推薦信三封

4. 代表性著作抽印本(最多5篇)

5. 各項有利審查的資料

五、 應徵方式:將上述檢具資料

1. 以電子郵件寄至 ghuang@nycu.edu.tw

2. 或郵寄至

300093新竹市大學路1001號 國立陽明交通大學統計學研究所 教師徵聘委員會收


Full-time faculty recruitment

The Institute of Statistics at the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in all areas of statistics and data sciences. The rank will be determined by the qualifications of successful candidates. Reviews for the position begin October 1, 2022, and will continue until the position is filled. Interested applicants should send a statement of current and future research interests, a curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, reprints of representative publications (maximum of 5), and other relevant documents to: Search Committee, Institute of Statistics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 300093, Taiwan. E-mail: ghuang@nycu.edu.tw. Except for the letters of recommendation, electronic submissions are encouraged.

Requirements: Applicants should hold a doctorate in statistics, data science or a related field.
