賽辦法 Rules

第七屆 2024科技論文競賽 Scientific Paper Competition



I. Aim of the competition

For stimulating students' research atmosphere, improving presentation skills, and encouraging students to publish and demonstrate the achievements of academic research, we organize this scientific paper competition for the students.


臺灣國立大學系統在學學生 (包含112學年度畢業生),分為大學組(得團體報名)碩博士組(僅限個人報名),各組別競賽分為大領域,參賽作品請擇一領域參與,參賽者應恪守學術倫理。

II. Eligibility

Students of National University System of Taiwan(including graduates of academic year 2024) are welcome and qualified to participate in this competition. It is divided into two groups: undergraduate (Group registration is accepted) & graduate students (Individual registration only).There are seven research fields. Participants must specifically choose one of fields on article submission. Participants should obey the academic ethics. 


(智慧計算、生成式AI應用、機器學習與深度學習、網際安全 )

(Computational Intelligence、Generative AI Applications、Machine Learning & Deep Learning、Cyber Security)

(農業科技 、智慧農業 、幹細胞生技外泌體生技 )

(Agricultural Technology 、Smart  Argi、Stem Cell BiotechnologyExosome Biotechnology )

(永續能源化學、生醫化學、分析化學 )

(Chemistry for sustainable energy、Biomedical Biochemistry、Chemistry for sustainable energy)

(土木環工、電機機械、化工材料、生醫工程 )

(civil and environmental engineering 、Electromechanical Engineering、Chemical Materials Engineering、Biomedical Engineering)

(數學分析與組合數學、微分方程與計算數學、統計方法及應用、數據與資料分析 )

(mathematical analysis and combinatorics、differential equations and computational mathematics、statistical methods and applications、Data and Information Analysis )

(光電領域、凝態物理與半導體、量子科學、宇宙學與高能物理 )

(Optoelectronics、Condensed Matter Physics and Semiconductor、Quantum Science 、Cosmology and High Energy Physics )

(組織研究、策略行為、資訊管理、行銷管理 )

(Organizational Studies、Strategic Behavior、Information Management、Marketing Management)





2.投稿論論文報名競賽網站提供下載之格式A4 (210 × 297mm)格式投稿投稿論文格式下載處(中英文)

3.投稿內容論文篇幅以 3 頁為限,須有中英文題目文摘要關鍵字前言材料與方法結果與討論參考文獻




2.須提供A1 (594 mm x 841 mm)壁報 。




III. Competition rules

The whole competition is composed of a preliminary submission and a final stage. Description is as follows:

1. Preliminary submission

(1) Online review.

(2) The article should be produced in A4 (210 × 297mm) format refer to the 2024 Scientific Paper Competitions website.

Download Preliminary submission article  A4 (210 × 297mm) format   (Chinese &English )

(3) The content of each submitted paper limited to 3 pages and must include: title Chinese &English; Chinese & English abstract; keywords; introduction; methods and materials; results and discussions; references.

(4) In this stage, the standard is based on originality, technicality, completeness and logical structure, etc.

 2. Final (carried out by posters)

(1)oral report on line (Language: Chinese or English)

(2) Presentation in A1 (594 × 841mm) poster size(File PDF)  

(3)The scoring items include: poster presentation, content integrity and presentation , etc.

(4)The final competition must include a poster presentation and an oral presentation. Contestants who fail to upload a poster or fail to present an oral presentation will be disqualified from the final round.

3. The qualifications will be not met if the submitted information is incomplete, the document proof is unclear as well as cannot be identified, incorrect format of submitted papers, and the submitted paper contains authors’ information. No document will be returned and no information will be notified if the qualifications will be not met.










IV. Competition Awards

1.The following awards will be awarded for each field/ two groups:

(1)The high distinction award winner, awarded the prize of NT $50,000 along with a certificate of merit.

(2)The 1st winner, awarded the prize of NT $20,000 along with a certificate of merit.

(3)The 2nd winner, awarded the prize of NT $10,000 along with a certificate of merit.

(4)The 3rd winner, awarded the prize of NT $5,000 along with a certificate of merit.

(5)A number of Honorable Mention Awards, awarded certificates of merit.

2. All the winners should be displayed on posters, and the high distinction award winner and the 1st winner should give an oral presentation. Failure to cooperate will result in disqualification of the award.

3. The vacant places in the undergraduate students can be transferred to the graduate students. Each group can be vacant. All awards and places are decided by the preparatory committee.

※未盡事宜請參閱「國立中興大學理學院科學教育中心科技論文競賽規則 (113.3.14修正通過) 」。

*For more information, please refer to the 2024 SPC competition rule.


*The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the event program. It will be announced on this website.