
Papers and Publications

期刊 Journal

  1. Zheng-yi Feng*, Zhao-Ru Shen and Rui-Chia Chuang (2021) A Numerical Investigation of the Characteristics of Seismic Signals Induced by Rock Falls. Original Research paper accepted on Nov. 17, 2021 to be published in Frontiers in Earth Science.

  2. Hung, C.-Y.; Tseng, I.-F.; Chen, S.-C.; Feng, Z.-Y* (2021). On Dam Failure Induced Seismic Signals Using Laboratory Tests and on Breach Morphology due to Overtopping by Modeling. Water. 2021, 13, 2757. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13192757

  3. Zheng-Yi Feng*, Yen-Rou Lu, Zhao-Ru Shen (2021), A numerical simulation of seismic signals of coseismic landslides, Engineering Geology, Volume 289, 106191. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2021.106191

  4. Feng, ZY., Chen, SH. (2021) Discussions on landslide types and seismic signals produced by the soil rupture due to seepage and retrogressive erosion. Landslides 18, 2265–2279. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-021-01625-5

  5. Feng, ZY., Zhuang, RC. (2021) Characteristics of seismic and acoustic signals of rock falls: an experimental study. Landslides 18, 3695–3706. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-021-01748-9

  6. Zheng-Yi Feng, Hao-Yang Huang and Su-Chin Chen* (2020) "Analysis of the Characteristics of Seismic and Acoustic Signals Produced by a Dam Failure and Slope Erosion Test", Landslides, 17(7), 1605-1618. doi: 10.1007/s10346-020-01390-x

  7. 2. Zheng-yi Feng*, Chia-Ming Hsu, Shi-Hao Chen (2020). Discussion on the characteristics of the seismic signals due to riverbank landslides from laboratory tests, Water, 2020, 12, 83; doi:10.3390/w12010083.

  8. 3. Chia-Ming Lo, Zheng-Yi Feng* and Kuang-Tsung Chang (2018). Landslide hazard zoning based on numerical simulation and hazard assessment. Geomatics Natural Hazards and Risk, 9(1), 368-388.

  9. Zheng-yi Feng, Chia-Ming Lo, Qun-Fu Lin (2017) The characteristics of the seismic signals induced by landslides using a coupling of discrete element and finite difference methods, Landslides, Volume 14, Issue 2, pp 661–674. DOI 10.1007/s10346-016-0714-6 (SCI)

  10. Tsai, P., Feng, Z., and Ni, S.,(2017) "Using Continuous Wavelet Transform to Construct the Dispersion Image for Soil Layers," Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 45, No. 1, 2017, pp. 323-331, https://doi.org/10.1520/JTE20160100. ISSN 0090-3973 (SCI)

  11. M. D. Yang, K. S. Huang, Y. F. Yang, L. Y. Lu, Z. Y. Feng and H. P. Tsai, (2016) "Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Fast and Adaptive Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition With Minimum Noise Fraction," in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 1950-1954, Dec. 2016. doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2016.2618930 (SCI)

  12. Zheng-yi Feng*, Bo-Siang Lin, Hsin-Chang Liu, Chih-Tsai Sun, Wei-Chuan Song (2015, Sep). Four-dimensional electrical resistivity tomography of the groundwater in a landslide zone. 10th Asian Regional Conference of IAEG (2015

  13. Lo, C.M. and Feng*, Z.Y. (2014) “Deformation characteristics of slate slopes associated with morphology and creep”, Engineering Geology, Volume 178, pp. 132–154, DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2014.06.011. (SCI)

  14. Chun-Hung Wu, Su-Chin Chen*, Zheng-Yi Feng (2014, June) Formation, failure, and consequences of the Xiaolin landslide dam, triggered by extreme rainfall from Typhoon Morakot, Taiwan. Landslides, Landslides, Vol. 11, issue 3, pp. 357–367, DOI 10.1007/s10346-013-0394-4 (SCI)

  15. Tsai, P., Feng, Z., Yu, F., and Lin, J. (2013) Stability Analysis of Landslide Dam under Rainfall. IACGE 2013: Challenges and Recent Advances in Geotechnical and Seismic Research and Practices: pp. 515-522. Edited by Jianping Hu; Jianlin Ma; Jorge Meneses; Tong Qui; Xiong (Bill) Yu; and Xiangwu (David) Zeng Geotechnical Special Publication 232. doi: 10.1061/9780784413128.061

  16. Feng, Z.-Y. (2012) "The seismic signatures of the surge wave from the 2009 Xiaolin landslide-dam breach in Taiwan", Hydrological Processes, Volume 26, Issue 9, pages 1342-1351, 30 April 2012, doi: 10.1002/hyp.8239 (SCI, 2010JCR IF:2.068, 10/76=13%, WATER RESOURCES)

  17. Zheng-Yi Feng (2011) "The seismic signatures of the 2009 Shiaolin landslide in Taiwan", Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 11, 1559-1569, doi:10.5194/nhess-11-1559-2011, 25 May 2011. (SCI, 2010JCR IF:1.792, 16/76=21%, WATER RESOURCES)

  18. Ching-Ying Tsou, Zheng-Yi Feng and Masahiro Chigira(2011),"Catastrophic landslide induced by Typhoon Morakot, Shiaolin, Taiwan," Geomorphology, Vol. 127, Issues 3-4,166-178. (SCI, 2010JCR IF:2.352, 3/48=6%,GEOLOGY) ,doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2010.12.013

  19. Pei-hsun Tsai, Zheng-yi Feng* and Shang-yuh Lin (2011) "A wavelet based method for estimating the damping ratio in statnamic pile load tests," Computers and Geotechnics,38(2):205-216.(SCI, 2010JCR IF:0.965, 13/30=43%, ENGINEERING, GEOLOGICAL)

  20. Feng, Z.Y.*, Tsai, P.H. and Li, J.N. (2010) "Numerical earthquake response analysis of the Liyutan earth dam in Taiwan," Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 10, 1269-1280.(SCI, 2010JCR IF:1.792, 16/76=21%, WATER RESOURCES)

  21. Tsou, P.R., Feng, Z.Y.*, Yeh, H.D. and Huang, C.S. (2010) "Stream Depletion Rate with Horizontal or Slanted Wells in Confined Aquifers near a Stream," Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 14, 1477-1485.(SCI, 2010JCR IF:2.463, 5/76=7%, WATER RESOURCES)

  22. Tsai, Pei-Hsun, Zheng-yi Feng and Tin-Lon Jen (2008) "Three-Dimensional Analysis of the Screening Effectiveness of Hollow Pile Barriers for Foundation-Induced Vertical Vibration", Computers and Geotechnics (SCI) , 35(3):489-499. (SCI, 2010JCR IF:0.965, 13/30=43%, ENGINEERING, GEOLOGICAL)

  23. Feng, Zheng-Yi and Jonathan T.H. Wu (2006), “The Epsilon Method – Analysis of Seepage through Masonry Dams over a Layered Soil”, the Canadian Geotechnical Journal (SCI) , 43(1):59-69.

  24. Feng, Zheng-Yi, Tian-Yu Wang, De-Guey Lin and Jin-Ching Chern, 2006, “Using PDA for Improving Effectiveness and Reliability in Geotechnical Investigations”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (SCI), 1936(3):161-170.

  25. Wu, Huei-Long and Zheng-Yi Feng, 2006, “Application and Promotion of the Ecological Engineering Methods in Soil and Water Conservation of Taiwan”, Ecological Engineering (SCI), 28(4):333-344.

  26. Lin, De-Guey and Zheng-Yi Feng. 2006, “A Numerical Study of Piled Raft Foundations”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers (SCI), 29(6):1091-1097.

  27. Feng, Zheng-Yi and Kevin G. Sutterer, 2000, "Dynamic Properties of Granulated Rubber-Sand Mixtures”, Geotechnical Testing Journal(SCI), 23(3):338-344.

  28. Feng, Zheng-Yi and Richard J. Deschamps, 2000, “A Study of the Factors Influencing the Penetration and Capacity of Vibratory Driven Piles”, Soils and Foundations(SCI), 40(3):43-54.

  29. Hardin, B.O., K.O. Hardin, Zheng-Yi Feng and I.J. Ross, 1999, “Damping Capacity of Bulk Wheat”, Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineering(EI), 42(5):1447-1454.

  30. 馮正一、梁家齊、張育瑄,2006,「利用有限差分法配合試算表求解滲流、壓密與波傳問題,中華水土保持學報,37(2):185-200。

  31. 陳文福、宋文彬、馮正一、陳啟天,2006,「應用DEM於山坡地土地可利用限度分類查定之研究」,水土保持學報,38(2):177-194。

  32. 馮正一、蔡佩勳、李俊男,2006,「鯉魚潭土石壩受到集集地震作用之動態反應分析」,中華水土保持學報,37(3):271-289。

  33. 馮正一、梁家齊,2006,「應用個人數位助理提昇自然災害調查與水土保持設施檢查之效率」,中華水土保持學報,37(1):65-76。

  34. 馮正一、梁家齊、吳宗江,2006,「邊坡變遷三維測量與穩定性分析」,水土保持學報,38(2):117-128。

  35. 倪勝火、馮正一、蔡佩勳,1994,「條形基礎振動反應與阻隔效應之分析」,中國土木水利工程學刊,6(3):269-277。

  36. 馮正一、林永光,2002,「考量環境、生態與景觀需求之邊坡保護技術」,地工技術,92:5-18。

  37. Wu, Huei-Long, Zheng-Yi Feng and Jia-Chi Liang, 2005, “An Evaluation of the Erosion Control Method with Drainage, Staking and Wattling in Taiwan after Typhoon Mindulle”, 水土保持學報, 37(3):251-262.

  38. 林昭遠、蔡真珍、馮正一、謝政道,2005,「濱水區生態工法評估系統建置之研究」,水土保持學報,37(1):11-26。

  39. 馮正一*、梁家齊(2007)「應用三維雷射掃描與GIS於邊坡穩定分析之研究」,中華水土保持學報,第38卷,第3期,pp.243-258。

  40. 吳宗江、馮正一*、陳文福(2007)「崩塌地地形精度探討及對土方估算影響之研究」,水土保持學報,第39卷,第1期,pp.63-71。

  41. 洪子恩、馮正一*、吳宗江(2007)「應用三維雷射掃瞄於岩石露頭位態之量測」,水土保持學報,第39卷,第3期,pp.247-267。

  42. 馮正一*、陳奕凱、鄭旭涵(2010)應用ERT法於崩塌地特性調查與水分變化之研究,中華水土保持學報,第41卷第1期,pp.15-26。

  43. 馮正一 、劉怡安 、張育瑄* (2009)「應用TRIGRS分析集水區中尺寸坡地入滲與穩定性」,水土保持學報,第41卷第3期,pp.339-355。

  44. 劉家宏,馮正一*,楊明德,黃志彰(2011)應用IDRISI遙測影像程式於地滑地變遷之研析,中華水土保持學報(接受)。

  45. 張育瑄、馮正一*、林雨婷(2009) 「應用CHASM程式於植生坡地之水分移動分析」,水土保持學報,第42卷第1期,pp.123-136。

  46. 馮正一*、張育瑄 、葉柳青(2009)「應用點估法及決策樹輔助邊坡整治之風險分析」,水土保持學報,第41卷第4期,pp.371-387。

  47. 林雨婷、馮正一*(2010) 應用希伯特黃轉換於表面波譜法之分析,中華水土保持學報,第41卷第2期,pp.137-146。

  48. 王美齡、馮正一*、張育瑄(2009)「基因演算法於邊坡穩定分析之初步應用」,水土保持學報,第42卷第1期,pp.65-82。

  49. 陳則佑、馮正一*、莊育蓁,2011,「應用TRIGRS 程式於邊坡破壞機率分析-以奧萬大地區為例」,中華水土保持學報,42(3):228-239。

  50. 馮正一、陳奕凱、錢滄海、彭思顯 (2010) 岩石坡面位態分類程式開發,水土保持學報,第42卷第2期,167-176。

  51. 林芳華、馮正一*、張育瑄(2011) 濁水溪沖積扇頂區之地下水文特性分析案例, 農林學報 (國立中興大學農資院出版),接受。

  52. 劉彥旻、馮正一*(2011)「礫石邊坡演化之探討─以台中大坑為例」,水土保持學報,43(2) : 171 – 184。

  53. 馮正一*、鄒佩蓉、陳奕凱、鄭旭涵(2011)「應用地電阻剖面法於土壤地層水份變化與SPT-N值比對」,中華水土保持學報,第42卷,第1期,pp.57-66。

  54. 林群富、馮正一*(2012)「沉砂滯洪池之應力分析與參數研究」,水土保持學報,44(3):189-200。

  55. 陳宥序、游繁結、張光宗、馮正一*(2012)「應用有限元素法之暫態流模式探討堰塞壩潰壩時間」,水土保持學報,44(3):283-294。

  56. 馮正一*、黃祥慶、黃志彰、賴琇瑩(2012)嘉義縣瀨頭區位崩塌因素初步探討,水土保持學報,44(2):177-188。

  57. Pei-Hsun Tsai Chang-hai Chien* Zheng-yi Feng Yu-ting Lin (2012) "The Factors Influencing the Numerical Simulation of the Spectral Analysis of the Surface Waves Method", 中華水土保持學報, 43(4): 359-368.

  58. 馮正一、林柏辰、游繁結(2014)“邊坡崩塌引起電位變化之室內試驗”,水土保持學報,46 (4): 1149–1160。

論文發表 Dissertation

專書 Books

  1. Feng, Zheng-Yi, 1997, “Bearing Capacity and Load-Deformation Characteristics of Vibratory Driven piles”, Department of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, Ph.D. Thesis.

  2. 馮正一 ,1991,「邊界元素法應用於條形基礎振動反應之分析」,成大碩士論文。

著作目錄 Publications

國內、外研討會 Seminar

  1. 馮正一(2011) "小林村堰塞壩潰壩時間點與潰壩洪峰歷程之震動訊號分析", 第14屆大地工程研討會, Aug. 25-26 , 2011, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

  2. 馮正一、張育瑄,「不飽和邊坡之降雨入滲模擬 」,水資源管理研討會,12月,2005。

  3. 馮正一,李俊男,蔡佩勳,「靜動樁載重試驗之數值分析」,第11屆大地工程研討會,中華民國大地工程學會,淡江大學土木工程學系,9月,2005。

  4. 馮正一、梁家齊,「應用個人數位助理提昇災情調查之效率」,2004坡地防災創新研發成果研討會,行政院農委會水土保持局,12月,2004

  5. 王天佑、馮正一、冀樹勇、陳錦清,「限界降伏面模式於FLAC有效應力分析模組之開發」,2004海峽兩岸地工技術/岩土工程交流研討會,財團法人地工技術研究發展基金會(台灣),中國建築業協會深基礎工程分會(大陸),11月,2004。

  6. 馮正一、林德貴,「綠營建在大地工程上的應用概論-以「邊坡生態工程」為例」,城鄉新風貌與綠建築研討會,4-1~4-27,台灣省土木技師公會,內政部營建署,內政部建築研究所,經濟部水利署,10月,2003。

  7. 馮正一,「考量生態之邊坡保護技術」,2003年土木工程-工程災害防治學術研討會,1-18,5月,2003。

  8. 陳仁重、陳偉堯、馮正一,「PDA在邊坡防災上的應用」,2002年第二屆全國災害危機處理學術研討會,1-105~1-114,長榮管理學院土地管理與開發學系,5月,2002。

  9. 馮正一、陳建成,「土石流管理與治理概論」,二十一世紀土木工程技術與管理研討會論文集,D59-D70,12月,2001。

  10. 倪勝火,馮正一,蔡佩勳,「應用邊界元素法分析條形基礎振動反應」,電子計算機於土木水利工程應用論文研討會,10月,1991。

  11. 馮正一、張育瑄、吳宗江、梁家齊、洪子恩,「崩塌地變遷與分析之研究」,水土保持思維之蛻變與展望研討會論文集,157-166,中華水土保持學會,12月,2006。

  12. 倪勝火,馮正一,蔡佩勳,「槽形開口對條形基礎振動控制之分析」,第四屆大地工程學術研究討論會論文集,485-494,1991。

  13. Feng, Zheng-Yi, Huei-Long Wu, Yu-Hsuan Chang and Jun-Nan Li, “An Evaluation of the Erosion Control Method with Drainage, Staking and Wattling in Taiwan after Typhoon Mindulle”, Paper accepted to the 2006 Transportation Research Board 85th Meeting, August. 2005.

  14. Feng, Zheng-Yi, Pei-Hsun Tsai and Jen-Nan Li, “Dynamic Response of Li-yu-tan Earthdam Subjected to the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake in Taiwan” Paper submitted to Proceedings of the 4th International FLAC Symposium on Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics, 2006.

  15. Feng, Zheng-Yi, Jeen-Shang Lin, Shue-Yeong Chi and Jin-Ching Chern, “Numerical Simulations for Liquefiable Sands”, The 10th Conference on Current Researches in Geotechnical Engineering, Sanshia, Taiwan, Oct 2-4, 2003.

  16. Feng, Zheng-Yi. Jin-Ching Chern and Ming-Shing Tsai, “The Seismic Performance of Tousheh Dam during the Chi-Chi earthquake”, Proc. 9th Conf. On Current Researches in Geotechnical Engineering, Shiman Reservoir, Tai-Yuan, Taiwan, Aug 30-Sep 1, 2001.

  17. Tsai, Ming-Shing, Zheng-Yi Feng and Jin-Ching Chern, "The study on the soil-building -twin tunnel interaction during earthquake”, Proc. 9th Conf. On Current Researches in Geotechnical Engineering, Shiman Reservoir, Tai-Yuan, Taiwan. Aug 30-Sep 1, 2001.

  18. Wang, Tian-Yu, Zheng-Yi Feng, Shue-Yeong Chi and Jin-Ching Chern, “The development of integrated site investigation system”, Proc. 9th Conf. On Current Researches in Geotechnical Engineering, Shiman Reservoir, Tai-Yuan, Taiwan, Aug 30-Sep 1, 2001.

  19. Yen, Tung-Lih, Zheng-Yi Feng, Ling Wu and Huat-Yoo Chua. “The Influence of the Chelongpu Fault on a Highway Bridge Foundations and Countermeasure”, REAAA conference, Tokyo, Japan, Sep 4-9, 2000.

  20. Feng, Zheng-Yi. “An application of the user-defined constitutive modeling in FLAC for cohesionless soils”, Proceedings of 8th conference on current researches in geotechnical engineering, Ping-Tung, Taiwan, Aug 18-20, 1999.

  21. Feng, Zheng-Yi and Richard J. Deschamps, "Factors Influencing the Vibratory Installation of Non-Displacement Piles”,13th SE Asian Geotechnical Conference, Nov, 1998.

  22. Wu Tsung-Chiang, Zheng-Yi Feng and Wen-Fu Chen, “Application of 3D Laser Scanning in Monitoring of a Barren Slope”, Proceedings of the 1st International Geotechnical Engineering Conference, 171-184, GEO-SINGAPORE 2006, Singapore, December 11-13, 2006.

  23. Chen, S.C., Chang, Y.H., Chen, B.K., Liu, Y.Q., Feng, Z.Y.*, Lai, B.X.(2010) “Preliminary Investigation on the Failure of the Ba-ling Check Dam in the Watershed of Shi-men Reservoir in Taiwan”, Interpraevent 2010- International Symposium in Pacific Rim, Taipei, Taiwan.

  24. 劉家宏、張育瑄、馮正一、林俐玲,「苗栗八燕坑溪地滑地治理之規劃考量」,第十六屆水利工程研討會,國立聯合大學,10月,2007。

  25. 馮正一*、黃得勝、張育瑄(2008)「利用GIS進行崩塌地擴大區位及型態判釋」,97年度中華水土保持學會年會論文集,中華水土保持學會,2008/12/13。

  26. 朱昱翰、馮正一*、張育瑄(2008)「地層弱化對邊坡漸進式破壞之影響」,97年度中華水土保持學會年會論文集,中華水土保持學會,2008/12/13。

  27. 吳雅鈞、馮正一、陳樹群,2008,「隧道鑽炸震動對邊坡穩定性影響評估-以萬大電廠為例」,2008農業工程研討會,第868-885頁,台北。

  28. Tsung-Chiang Wu, Zheng-Yi Feng, Wen-Fu Chen (2007) “A Precision Study of Volume Estimation Methods for a Terrain Model”, 2007海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會,桃園,台灣,2007/3/19~2007/3/24,國立中央大學太空及遙測研究中心主辦。

  29. Zheng-Yi Feng and Yu-Hsuan Chang(2008) “An Experimental Study on the Local Protection Measures of a Bridge Caisson”, Proceedings, World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, May 12-16, 2008.

  30. 林俐玲、丁振章、馮正一、張育瑄(2007)「後龍溪及中港溪等上游集水區整體調查規劃」,96年度中華水土保持學會年會,96年12月21日,中華水土保持學會主辦。

  31. Zheng-Yi Feng, Li-Ling Lin and J.H. Liu (2008) “Mitigation Considerations of Ba-yen-keng Creek in Miao-li, Taiwan”, World Environmental & Water Resources Congress May 12-16, 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

  32. Ching-Ying Tsou, Masahiro Chigira and Zhengyi Feng, "Landslide induced by the Typhoon Morakot in Shiaolin village, Taiwan," General Assembly 2010, European Geosciences Union,2010.

  33. Zheng-Yi Feng,Keh-Jian Shou and Yu-Chen Chuang, "Dynamic Vegetation and Time Series Analysis Using SPOT-NDVI Dataset for Climate-Vegetation Interaction of Aowanda, Nantou, Taiwan", Geohazards, ECI International Conference on Climate Change and Sustainability, Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan, Sep 20-23,2009.

  34. Chen, S.C., Chang, Y.H., Chen, B.K., Liu, Y.Q., Feng, Z.Y.* and Lai, B.X., "Preliminary Investigation on the Failure of the Ba-ling Check Dam in the Watershed of Shi-men Reservoir in Taiwan," Interpraevent 2010- International Symposium in Pacific Rim, Taipei, Taiwan,2010.

  35. Zheng-yi Feng and Kai-shiun Su (2011) "An HHT Based Method for Phase Velocity Analysis of SASW Exploration", General Assembly 2011, European Geosciences Union, 3~8 April, 2011.

  36. Zheng-yi Feng and Pei-hsun Tsai (2011)"nalyses of the seismic signals induced by Xiaolin landslide, Taiwan using Hilbert-Huang and wavelet transform", The 3rd International Conference on Hilbert-Huang Transform: Theory and Applications, Poster Session P074,20-24 June, 2011, Qingdao, China,

  37. Tsai, P.-H., Feng, Z.-Y. and Chi, S.-Y., 2011. Numerical Analyses of Dynamic Responses of an Earth Dam during 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake in Taiwan. In: R. Bulut, Y. Tsukamoto, A. Deng, T. Katsumi and T. Kokusho (Editors). Advances in Unsaturated Soil, Geo‐Hazard, and Geo‐Environmental Engineering (GSP 217,) ASCE Proceedings of the 2011 GeoHunan International Conference, Hunan, China, pp.195-202.

  38. 高志文、馮正一*、羅佳明、陳樹群 (2011) 堰塞壩溢流沖蝕破壞對河床產生之震動力量探討, 2011年中華水土保持學會學術研討會,台中,台灣。

  39. 林群富、馮正一* (2011) 堰塞湖壽命與破壞機制之探討, 2011年中華水土保持學會學術研討會,台中,台灣。

  40. 歐金賢、馮正一*、曾馥敏(2011) 應用經驗模態分解法分析台灣高鐵列車震動特性, 2011年中華水土保持學會學術研討會,台中,台灣。

  41. 陳大祥*、戴振達、馮正一(2011) 既有防砂壩溢口降低及切口對河床影響觀察, 2011年中華水土保持學會學術研討會,台中,台灣。

  42. Z.-Y. Feng, Z.-Z. Ding, K.-C. Chang, H.-Y. Lai, and S.-C. Chen (2012) "The mechanism and mitigation of the landslides of Leye region in Alishan,Taiwan ", EGU General Assembly 2012, European Geosciences Union, 23~27 April, 2012.

  43. Z.-Y. Feng, S.-C. Chen, C.-W. Kao, and C.-M. Lo (2012) " A numerical simulation of overflow failure of landslide dams by particle flow technique", EGU General Assembly 2012, European Geosciences Union, 23~27 April, 2012.

  44. Zheng-yi Feng∗ , Yen-min Liu (2012) "An application of the diffusion and advection equations for the evolution of a gravel slope ", Japanese Geosciences Union Meeting 2012, 20~24 May, 2012.

  45. Zheng-yi Feng∗ , Kuo-Chin Chang , Hsiu-ying Lai , Zhen-zhang Ding (2012) "The geological characteristics of the Leye landslide near Alishan, Taiwan ", Japanese Geosciences Union Meeting 2012, 20~24 May, 2012.

  46. Z.-Y. Feng, S.-C. Chen, S.-M. Kao (2012) "An investigation on the characteristics of the seismic signals induced by overtopping dam breach", AGU Fall meeting, 3~7 Dec, 2012.


  48. Zheng-Yi Feng, Chun-Fu Lin and Pei-hsun Tsai (2013) “Simulations of seismic signals induced by landslides by numerical coupling of PFC and FLAC”, Poster, JpGU Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan 19~24 May, 2013

其他 Others

  1. 馮正一、錢滄海(2013)「岩坡露頭位態判釋方法及系統」中華民國發明專利(發明第I 399527號),專利權期間:自2013年6月21日至2030年4月21日止。

  2. 馮正一,小林村崩塌堰塞湖潰堤複合型災害探討與省思,土木水利學會年會,2012/11/16

  3. 馮正一,堰塞壩之潰壩試驗與時頻分析之應用,中研院地科所+逸奇科技,2012/10/12

  4. 馮正一,小林村崩塌堰塞湖潰堤複合型災害探討,興大土木系,2012/09/27

  5. 馮正一,邊坡崩塌移動形式之辨識與案例探討,高公局中工區,2012/09/27

  6. 馮正一,小林村崩塌堰塞湖潰堤複合型災害探討,台大土木,2012/09/21

  7. 馮正一,小林村崩塌堰塞湖潰堤複合型災害探討與省思,青山顧問公司,2012/9/14

  8. 馮正一,小林村崩塌堰塞湖潰堤複合型災害探討與省思,教育部科學人文跨科際人才培育平臺-論壇系列,2012/8/2

  9. 馮正一,小林村崩塌堰塞湖潰堤災害探討與省思,水土保持局,專題演講,2012/6/12。

  10. 馮正一,小林村堰塞湖潰堤洪水歷程之震動訊號分析,成功大學,土木工程研究所,專題演講,2012/5/4。

  11. 馮正一,小林村堰塞湖潰堤洪水歷程之震動訊號分析,交通大學,土木工程研究所,專題演講,2012/4/19。

  12. 馮正一,小林村堰塞湖潰堤洪水歷程之震動訊號分析,台北科技大學,土木與防災研究所,專題演講,2011/12/07。

  13. 馮正一,小林村堰塞湖潰堤洪水歷程之震動訊號分析,中央研究院,地球科學研究所,專題演講,2011/10/27。

  14. 馮正一,小林村堰塞湖潰堤洪峰歷程之震動訊號分析,雲林科技大學,營建工程系,專題演講,2011/10/12。

  15. 馮正一,小林村堰塞壩潰壩時間點與潰壩洪峰歷程之震動訊號分析,水利署,水利規劃研究所,專題演講,2011/08/10。

  16. 馮正一,小林村堰塞壩潰壩時間點與潰壩洪峰歷程之震動訊號分析,中興大學,水土保持學系,專題演講,2011/06/17。

  17. 馮正一,小林村堰塞壩潰壩時間點與潰壩洪峰歷程之震動訊號分析,成功大學,水利工程系,專題演講,2011/06/07。

  18. 馮正一,集水區崩塌地演化與崩塌潛勢之研究,中興大學,土木工程學系,專題演講,2011/05/26。

  19. 馮正一,小林村崩塌震動訊號研究,中央大學,水文與海洋科學研究所,專題演講,2011/04/12。

  20. 馮正一,鯉魚潭壩之921地震反應分析,中央研究院,地球科學研究所,專題演講,2010/11/02。

  21. 馮正一,2005,“土壤結構動態分析與模擬”,國科會專題研究報告,計畫編號 93-2211-E-005-011-。

  22. 馮正一,2005,“邊坡穩定處理工程規劃設計準則及施工注意事項”-「國道水土保持設施設置準則及注意事項之擬訂」之第六章,主持人:陳樹群。

  23. 馮正一、段錦浩,2004,“七二水災重大土砂災害災情調查分析與對策”之第1~3章,農委會水土保持局計畫報告。

  24. 馮正一、段錦浩,2004,“艾利颱風災後五峰鄉桃山村土場及清泉部落土石災害調查分析與對策規劃”之第1~3章,農委會水土保持局計畫期中報告。

  25. 馮正一,2004,「水土保持工作對石門水庫集水區之影響報告」之“地質與崩塌關係探討”內容,經濟部水利署計畫報告。

  26. 馮正一,2004,「水庫集水區應用生態工法治理之成效評估模式建立」之“安全性計算、成本分析、安全指標與成本指標”內容,經濟部水利署計畫報告。

  27. 馮正一,2004,“垂直承載樁基礎之載重變形特徵數值評估”, 國科會專題研究報告,計畫編號 92-2218-E-005-011-。

  28. 林晉祥、馮正一、冀樹勇、陳錦清,2003,“土石結構物與深基礎耐震設計(一)飽和砂土層與基礎之動力分析程式發展”,中興工程顧問社研究報告。

  29. Leonards, G.A., Richard J. Deschamps and Zheng-Yi Feng. “Driveability, Load-Settlement and Bearing Capacity of Piles Installed with Vibratory Hammers”, Final report submitted to the Deep Foundation Institute, November, 1995.

  30. 馮正一、劉怡安,2007,農塘改建為滯洪設施效益評估之研擬,台灣水土保持季刊, No. 59, 96年4月出版。

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