Weekly Schedule

Cohort A:

Monday - P.E. and Spanish

Tuesday - Art

Cohort B:

Thursday - P.E. and Spanish

Friday - Art

Cohort A & B:

Wednesday: Zoom Class from 9:00-11:45

In School Daily Schedule

Every morning, we will sanitize and/or wash our hands after entering the classroom. We will begin with morning work. Morning work can consist of reading, completing a problem or two, or writing in their journal about their weekend. We will then do morning meeting. I will give the students any updates they need to hear, go over our schedule for the day, and look at our calendar. The students will greet each other from a distance to build community in our classroom.

In the morning we will have snack around 9:30. Students will have recess and lunch each day from 11:00-11:55. Lunch will be eaten in the classroom. During these times, the students are allowed to take a bathroom break. All students must wash their hands before and after their snack/lunch, and wipe down their seat and desk with a baby wipe. I wipe down any spots that are overly dirty with a Clorox wipe. Students will be given a lanyard to attach to their mask so it hangs from their neck while eating. Throughout the day, our class will take multiple mask breaks outside.

During the day, we will learn spelling and phonics through the Fundations program. In math we will be using the enVisions 2.0 curriculum. We do a guided lesson with animated video and complete independent work. Most days we will have a read aloud and mini lesson for reading. Students will learn and practice comprehension and reading strategies and read leveled books. Furthermore, we will also do writer's workshop, focusing on writing narratives, expert topics, and opinions. Students participate in a whole group mini-lesson and then work independently on their writing. We will rotate science and social studies during the week. At the end of the day, we will clean up our desk area, sanitize, pack up, and have a closing activity to end the day!