Course Changes

Students are expected to select courses carefully. The master schedule of courses in the high school is determined by student’s course requests. Once the student has made his/her initial course selections, he/she should not consider requesting changes unless absolutely necessary.

Semester Long Course Changes:

  • No elective changes will be made within the first 5 school days of each semester, unless there is an error on the student’s schedule. An error would consist of a course on your schedule that was not selected as a first choice or alternate course during course selection, or if you are missing a class.

  • After the first 5 school days, students will have 5 additional school days to potentially make elective changes if there is space and availability to do so.

  • There will be no elective changes beyond the 10th day in a semester-long course. In the event of an extenuating circumstance requiring a course change, a W (withdraw) will appear as the final grade in the dropped course.

Full Year Course Changes:

  • No changes will be made within the first 5 school days, unless there is an error on the student’s schedule.

  • Course Change Forms must be completed and submitted to the Assistant Principal by mid-point of Term 1, day 23. No record of the original course will appear on the transcript.

  • After the mid-point of Term 1, day 23, a final grade of W (withdraw) will appear on a student’s transcript next to any dropped year long course.

  • After day 23, the grade in the withdrawn course will be the grade reflected for the term on the report card.

  • After the mid-point of Term 1, course changes will only occur at the term breaks.

  • In the event of an extenuating circumstance requiring a course level change beyond the 90th day of the course, students’ semester one grade will appear as the student’s final grade in the dropped course. The student will earn a semester two grade in the new level of the same course. Provided the student has abided by the attendance policy, 2.5 credits will be awarded for the dropped course and the student will have the opportunity to earn 2.5 credits in the new course.

  • If a student drops a full-year course at the conclusion of semester one and enrolls in a new semester-long elective, a grade of a W (withdraw) will be listed on the transcript as the final course grade for the dropped course.

Important information about dropping a course:

  • There must be room in the new course for the student. Every effort will be made to investigate alternative course options.

  • If a student drops a course at any time during the school year, s/he cannot take a makeup summer course for credit. Instead, the student must take an original credit summer school course (120 hours). The opportunity to take a make-up course is reserved only for students who complete the course during the school year.

  • Changing courses is carefully monitored and only occurs when a student experiences serious difficulties in a course in spite of a consistent and concerted effort on the part of the student to succeed. Attendance at extra help, attendance at math lab or writing center (if applicable), consistency in completing homework assignments, and peer tutoring represent evidence of consistent and concerted effort on the part of the student to succeed in the class.