Application Requirements

Nursery 1, Nursery 2, and Kinder

  1. 1 pc 2x2 picture (white background)

  2. Photocopy OF PSA Birth Certificate

  3. Virtual Interview

Grade 1 to Grade 10

  1. 1 pc 2x2 picture (white background)

  2. Original Card (SF 9 or Form 138)

  3. Photocopy OF PSA Birth Certificate

  4. Good Moral certificate (Grades 4 to 10)

  5. ESC Certificate (if applicable)

  6. Entrance Examination (Php 300.00)

Senior High School (New Students)

  1. 1 pc 2x2 picture (white background)

  2. Original Card (SF 9 or Form 138)

  3. Original PSA Birth Certificate

  4. Photocopy of Completion Certificate

  5. Certificate of Good Moral

  6. ESC Certificate (For Private Completers with ESC)

  7. QVR Certificate (For Private Completers who applied for a voucher)

Senior High School (Transferee Students)

  1. 1 pc 2x2 picture (white background)

  2. Evaluated Original Card (SF 9 or Form 138)

  3. Original PSA Birth Certificate

  4. Photocopy of Completion Certificate

  5. Certificate of Good Moral

College (New Students)

  1. 1 pc 2x2 picture (white background)

  2. Original Grade 12 Card (SF 9 or Form 138)

  3. Original PSA Birth Certificate

  4. Photocopy of Completion Certificate

  5. Certificate of Good Moral

  6. Photocopy of Senior High School Diploma

  7. Entrance Examination (Php 300.00)

  8. Marriage Certificate (If Applicable)

College (Transferee Students)

  1. 1 pc 2x2 picture (white background)

  2. Honorable Dismissal

  3. Original PSA Birth Certificate

  4. Certificate of Good Moral

  5. Entrance Examination (Php 300.00)

  6. Marriage Certificate (If Applicable)

Medicine (New Students)

  1. Official NMAT Result (At least 40% percentile mark)

  2. TOR (For Graduating Students, certificate of grades for the last 3 1/2 years in college may be submitted for evaluation.

  3. Good Moral Certificate

  4. Letter of Recommendation from two (2) professors or employers.

  5. Certificate of Eligibility for admission to medical school

  6. Entrance Examination

  7. Certificate of General Weighted Average

  8. Entrance Examination and Application Fee (Php. 1,700)

Medicine (Transferee Students)

  1. Official NMAT Result (At least 40% percentile mark)

  2. A letter narrating the reason for transferring from other school.

  3. Interview with the Dean

  4. Honorable Dismissal with Transfer Credentials

  5. Good Moral Certificate

  6. Letter of Recommendation from two (2) professors or employers.

  7. Entrance Examination

  8. Certificate of General Weighted Average

  9. Entrance Examination and Application Fee (Php. 1,700)

***To submit the requirements, kindly accomplish the online application form. All requirements and screenshots of payment transactions must also be sent to with subject line (MED Application)***

Night College (New Students)

  1. 1 pc 2x2 picture (white background)

  2. Original Grade 12 Card (SF 9 or Form 138)

  3. Original PSA Birth Certificate

  4. Photocopy of Completion Certificate

  5. Certificate of Good Moral

  6. Photocopy of Senior High School Diploma

  7. Entrance Examination (Php 300.00)

  8. Certificate of Employment

  9. Marriage Certificate (If Applicable)

Professional Education (18-Units CPTE)

  1. 1 pc 2x2 picture (white background)

  2. Original Transcript of Records

  3. Honorable Dismissal

  4. Good Moral Certificate

  5. Original PSA Birth Certificate

  6. Entrance Examination (Php 300.00)

  7. Marriage Certificate (If Applicable)

Night College (Transferee Students)

  1. 1 pc 2x2 picture (white background)

  2. TOR / Honorable Dismissal

  3. Original PSA Birth Certificate

  4. Certificate of Good Moral

  5. Entrance Examination (Php 300.00)

  6. Marriage Certificate (If Applicable)

Requirements for Enrolment (Graduate School)

  1. 2x2 latest photo (White Background)

  2. For beginners – Original copy of the Transcript of Records

  3. For those with earned units – Transfer credential or honorable dismissal; evaluation of transfer credits approved by the Dean and the University Registrar

  4. Photocopy of the PSA Birth Certificate

  5. Photocopy of the PRC License (for nurses and teachers)

  6. Photocopy of the PSA Marriage Contract (if Married)

  7. Entrance Examination

  8. If employed in La Consolacion institutions, certificate of employment – must state employment status and length of service.

For inquiries and other related concerns, please message us on our official Facebook Page,, or you may contact us at 044 931 8600, 0933 611 8059, or 0919 002 7151.