
Videos for all Cancer slide presentations: click here.
Individual presentations are available by clicking on the title of the Scholarly Project.

Saro Avedikian

Evaluation of New Targeted Therapies in 3D Culture Models for Pancreatic Cancer
Mentor: Haiyong Han, PhD
Affiliation: TGen

Roy Bisht

How Are Pancreas Cancer Surgery Outcomes Affected by Tumor Board Decisions?
Mentor: Rachit Kumar, MD
Affiliation: University or Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix

Kathleen Hanlon

Single-cell Cloning of Human T-cell Lines Reveals Clonal Variation in Cell Death Responses to Chemotherapeutics
Mentor: Ben A. Croker, PhD
Affiliation: Boston Children's Hospital Harvard Medical School
Published: Cancer Genetics

Jenna Koblinski

Colorectal Cancer Mortality after Spinal Cord Injury
Mentor: Valentine Nfonsam, MD, MS
Affiliation: University of Arizona
Presented at: Academic Surgical Conference (2020)
Presented at: Arizona Chapter of the American College of Surgeons and Indian Health Services Surgeons (2019) - 2nd place poster competition
Published: Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine

Marzia Shah

Comparison of Outcomes for Coordinated Care in Central Nervous System Malignancies
Mentor: Rachit Kumar, MD
Affilication: Banner University Medical Center - Phoenix

Maggie Xiong

Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer: The Trajectory of Prolonged Diagnosis and Short Survival
Mentor: Mira Milas, MD
Affiliation: Banner University Medical Center - Phoenix