Zoom In to See the NEW smartscape!


Since its inception in 1994, Smartscape has grown to be a collaborative partnership between the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, AMWUA, Tucson Water, and the Department of Water Resources, with regional support from the Arizona Nursery Association, the Arizona Landscape Contractors Association, and industry representatives. The program has seen over 5,000 industry professionals attend the various courses taught by local industry experts, academics, and practitioners. We’ve been busy improving upon what started way back then!


Water is a precious resource, especially for us here in the desert. Proper plant selection and appropriate irrigation can significantly reduce water consumption while maintaining the landscapes that are critical to cool the urban environment and enhance our communities. Landscape and irrigation professionals influence water use through the creation and maintenance of our landscapes, which is precisely why the Smartscape Program was created, and is offered in both English and Spanish.


Smartscape is a comprehensive, research-based training program that instructs these professionals in the fundamentals of design, installation, and maintenance of sustainable, desert-adapted landscapes and irrigation systems. For over 25 years, Smartscape has provided foundational training for thousands of professionals and influenced landscape choices and outdoor water use Phoenix and Tucson.


Collaboratively developed by Tucson Water, the Arizona Municipal Water Users Association (AMWUA), the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, the Arizona Nursery Association, the Arizona Landscape Contractors Association, and industry representatives, the program was launched in both the Tucson and Phoenix areas in 1994 to increase water efficiency in Arizona’s urban corridor.


The benefits of the Smartscape Program can be seen on all sides. Taking part in the program empowers landscape and irrigation professionals to build skills to increase landscape water use efficiency. It helps them stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends, research, and practices while networking and learning about marketing strategies. This creates an opportunity to distinguish themselves from their competition, provide their customers with quality service, and take personal responsibility for a critical industry resource.


For some time, Pima and Maricopa County Smartscape had been developing programs separately. In 2017, the value of collaboration was recognized anew, and the teambuilding began! It started with a day of getting-to-know-you on the Pima County 4-H ropes course, which led to a two-day retreat in Maricopa, affording the instructors from both counties an opportunity to collaborate. Instructors have received training in "Activating Instruction" from Kerry Schwartz (Arizona Project WET). Additionally, the Smartscape staff, after researching and fully educating themselves, have been providing them with comprehensive training in Zoom, and "Optimizing Engagement".


We also re-focused on program evaluation. A professional facilitator organized and ran a feedback session with key green industry stakeholders, which provided excellent insights on how to better reach and serve them!

And we celebrated our 25th Anniversary with a luncheon in the UA Student Union Grand Ballroom. We invited and acknowledged our original Smartscape Education sub-committee, sponsors, current and past participants, instructors, collaborators, UA Extension, and Smartscape staff.

Our newfound COVID-19 situation has brought us together even more! Zoom has encouraged weekly Pima/Maricopa Smartscape staff meetings, and monthly Smartscape/Tucson Water/AMWUA meetings. It has afforded opportunity for some Maricopa students to attend make-up classes with Pima classes, and vice-versa, and some students have been able to enroll in advanced courses not offered in Maricopa.


Evaluation, Data Collection and Reporting

Tucson Water and AMWUA worked together to define the key questions to ask and the data to collect that is of most importance to them as our sponsors and aligned both county's annual reports.

New Website

Recently developed and launched, our new, shared, bilingual Smartscape website is a critical component of the program. For landscape professionals, it provides information on upcoming Smartscape training in both Maricopa and Pima Counties and promotes the value of training and certification. For residents and businesses, the website details the value of hiring trained, certified landscape and irrigation professionals, while highlighting Smartscape graduates by enabling consumers to search for and contact trained professionals available for hire.

New Branding, Cohesive Programming and Messaging

Development of the new website gave us impetus to be more cohesive in all of our marketing materials, as well as course content, between both counties. We worked with a professional marketing firm to develop new branding to complement the new Smartscape website, and worked together to align our courses.

With the resulting increase in sharing of resources, technical ability, and ideas, our programming has grown to a much higher standard of delivery!


The 2019-2020 program cycle has been marked by innovation, adaptation and demonstrated the resiliency of our program. We look forward to the next 12 months and putting these new tools and skills to work to expand our outreach and impacts in a radically changed educational environment.

This year, with people spending more time at home than ever, we’ve seen that landscapes are highly valued. People are investing time and money into enhancing their outdoor spaces. They are becoming increasingly aware of the need for healthy, sustainable, water-efficient landscapes. We recognize this as an opportunity to help connect them with businesses that create and maintain them.

We intend to become a “household name” - and ensure that Smartscape is known as the “go to” community resource for quality education and information. We are doing this by building stronger connections with local "green industry" companies, and by developing new, targeted community outreach strategies.

People, both professionally and recreationally, are learning and taking classes in new ways. As we look to the future, we recognize that digital platforms will continue to be a way that Extension must provide learning opportunities to our communities.

Smartscape is continuously looking for ways to improve online learning experiences by providing user-friendly, engaging, interactive presentations and supporting materials. Our team is currently developing a plan to use D2L (Desire2Learn), an educational platform used for online and blended classroom learning, where our participants can find everything they need in ONE PLACE! We will continue to utilize this resource in the future for both online and in-person courses.

Together, we can adapt – and create change!

This poster was a collaborative effort between Smartscape Team staff members, with additional content assistance from AMWUA and Tucson Water.


Karen Hanshaw - Program Manager, Pima County karenhanshaw@arizona.edu

Kirti Matura - Program Coordinator, Sr., Maricopa County kmatura@arizona.edu

Valeria Galindo - Cmty Outreach Asst., Pima County vgg18@email.arizona.edu

Parker Filer - Asst. Agent, Horticulture, Pima County parkerfiler@arizona.edu

Candice Rupprecht - Water Conservation Program Manager, Tucson Water candice.rupprecht@tucsonaz.gov

Sheri Trapp - Communications Manager, AMWUA strapp@amwua.org