Investigating Nickel Nutrition on
and Mouse-Ear Severity on Pecan
in the San Simon Valley, Arizona.

A poster presentation for the 2020 Virtual Extension Conference
for the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.


Soils in the southwest pecan growing areas are typically alkaline and calcareous (>7.5 pH); thus, most micronutrients, including Nickel (Ni), are poorly available for root uptake. Nickel deficiency disrupts the normal nitrogen metabolism in plants. Symptoms of Ni deficiency (“mouse-ear”) are commonly seen in Arizona pecan orchards. There is currently no recommended level of Ni in pecan leaf tissue in Arizona. Researchers in Oklahoma and New Mexico have recommended >2-3 ppm in leaf tissue of pecan, and currently in research, there is no information on the effect of Ni deficiency to photosynthesis. In 2016 and 2017, and again in 2018, an experiment was conducted on 6.5 hectares of ‘Western Schley’ and ‘Wichita’ pecan trees in San Simon, AZ. There were two treatments with three replications in which 1) NiSO4 (10% nickel sulfate) was foliar applied, and 2) no application of Ni (Control). Gas exchange was measured using a portable photosynthesis system and correlated to leaf Ni tissue concentrations.


In the past several decades, southwest pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K.Koch] production has been steadily rising in its contribution to total U.S. production, with an economic value of over $302 million in 2017 with Arizona, California, and New Mexico production combined1. This has more than doubled in value since the 2012 census.

Although climatic conditions are conducive to pecan tree growth, soils in the southwest pecan growing areas are typically alkaline (>7.5 pH); thus phosphorus and most micronutrients, including Nickel (Ni), are poorly available for root uptake. Nickel deficiency disrupts the normal nitrogen metabolism in plants. One of the many known functions is to activate the enzyme urease that converts nitrogen into a usable form for leaf and shoot expansion in the spring2. Symptoms of Ni deficiency (“mouse-ear”; Fig. 1. Normal pecan leaves; Fig. 2) are commonly seen in Arizona pecan orchards.

Current recommendations of Ni in leaf tissue of pecan is >2-3 ppm3,4. Southeast Arizona pecan orchards are frequently below that level. Currently in research there is no information on the effect of Ni deficiency to photosynthesis.


Investigate the relationship of leaf Ni concentration on photosynthesis and mouse-ear severity in field grown pecan trees in the San Simon Valley, Arizona.

Fig. 1. "Mouse-Ear" development produced by nickel deficiency.

Materials & Methods

In 2016, a fruit-bearing (6th leaf) orchard (6.5 hectares) was selected in San Simon, AZ in which 12 ‘Western’ and 12 ’Wichita’ cultivar pecan trees were chosen (see 'Introduction' section photo).

Using completely randomized design (CRD) two treatments of 1) Ni Sulfate (HumaGro), was selected consisting of Ni applied (10%) and 2) Control (0%, H2O only) with three replications per treatment and all foliar applied.

When possible, data measurements were recorded one to two weeks after applications (2 total in 2016, 3 total in 2017) using the LI-6400XT portable photosynthesis unit (LI-COR Biosciences, Lincoln, NE; Fig. 3). A third year (2018) was added, with enlarged treatment areas in order to prevent drift, after results from 2016-17 were inconsistent. Photosynthesis (Pn), stomatal conductance, and other variables were recorded on three full sun exposed leaflets per tree.

Soil Plant Analytical Development (SPAD) was recorded on the same leaflets measured for Pn using a portable SPAD 502 chlorophyll meter. Mid-day stem water potential (MDSWP) was recorded on the same dates using a portable plant moisture stress pressure chamber.

Leaf tissue analysis was performed by Motzz Laboratory (Phoenix, AZ) with one collection in 2016, 2017, and 2018. Statistical analysis was calculated using JMP PRO 13.0, CRD ANOVA at alpha 0.05 for Mn leaf tissue concentrations on each leaflet collection date.

Fig. 2. Normal pecan leaf development. 'Waco' cultivar (left); 'Wichita' cultivar (right).

Results & Discussion

Ni treatments applied during 2016 supplied increased leaf tissue Ni concentration compared to the non-treated control, meeting the current recommendation of >2-3 ppm in leaf tissue for pecan trees (Fig. 4). In 2017, there was a triple increase in Ni concentration in both treated and non-treated control, suggesting either spray drift or air-blast sprayer applicator error (Fig. 4). In 2018, after expanding the experimental plot to reduce drift, the Ni treatments again supplied increased leaf tissue in only the Ni treated pecan trees (Fig. 5). All other elemental concentrations in the leaf were of adequate or normal range that is recommended in peer reviewed literature (data not shown).

Photosynthetic rates in 2016 had a slightly higher photosynthetic capacity of the Ni treated pecans compared to the non-treated when analyzed across dates (Fig. 6). This is a 8.9% increase in photosynthesis compared with the control. However, in 2017 these photosynthesis differences were not observed (Fig. 6). In 2018, photosynthetic rates had a marginal higher photosynthesis rate than the non-treated control pecan trees (Fig. ).

MDSWP and SPAD chlorophyll readings (data not shown) were not significantly different among treatments indicating no relationship of the Pn measurements due to plant moisture stress or greenness of the leaves.

The differences observed in years 2016 & 2018 suggest that there is relationship between nickel and photosynthetic capacity that may be in turn related to the inability to synthesize urease which would limit the nitrogen cycle and form available for normal leaf function. More investigation is necessary to determine the most adequate Ni concentration where Pn is optimal.

Figure. 3. LI-6800 portable photosynthesis system with LED red/blue light source (LI-COR Biosciences) was used for gas exchange measurements in 2018. The LI-6400XT was used in the 2016/2017 data measurements (not pictured).

Figure 4. Leaf Ni concentration of 2016 and 2017 showing treatment application effect. Two treatments: 1)Control (Ni-) and 2)10% Nickel Sulfate (Ni+) replicated three times. 24 total trees were randomly selected with 12 ‘Western’ and 12 ‘Wichita’ cultivars.

Figure 5. Leaf Ni concentration of 2018 showing treatment application effect. Two treatments: 1)Control (Ni-) and 2)10% Nickel Sulfate (Ni+) replicated three times. 24 total trees were randomly selected with 12 ‘Western’ and 12 ‘Wichita’ cultivars.

Figure 6. Mean leaflet photosynthesis on ‘Western’ and ‘Wichita’ pecans combined with 2 dates in 2016 and 3 dates in 2017. These data comprised of 3 subsamples from each tree within the treatment rows.

Figure 7. Mean leaflet photosynthesis on ‘Western’ and ‘Wichita’ pecans combined with one date of measurements in 2018. Due to larger experimental plot these data comprised of 2 subsamples from each tree within the treatment rows.


In a mature pecan orchard, Ni leaf tissue concentration above 1.1 and less than 4.9 ppm had higher photosynthesis rates when compared to non-Ni treated pecan trees growing in San Simon Valley, Arizona.


Dr. James Walworth, University of Arizona
Arizona Department of Agriculture, USDA
Specialty Crops Block Grant Program (SCBGP-FB-04)
Farmer’s Investment Company (FICO)
LICOR BioSciences
Doug Greer, HumaGro


1. USDA-NASS, 2017.
2. Bai, Cheng, et al. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 2007. 132(3):302-309.
3. Heerema, R. NMSU Coop. Ext. Service. 2013. Guide H-658.
4. Smith, M. et al. HortTechnology. 2012. 22(5):594-599.