The Celtic Linguistics Group at the University of Arizona is pleased to have hosted the Foundational Approaches to Celtic Linguistics, a 2021-2023 speaker series. FACL 2 featured talks from Celtic language experts and researchers from across the United States and Europe. The COVID-19 pandemic certainly introduced a variety of changes to our society, but one of the positives was the telecommunication systems that made this speaker series possible.
Welcome to FACL 2!
*Talks are scheduled for 11:00am Arizona time unless otherwise indicated.
FACL II has concluded for the time being. Please visit and enjoy our archived talks.
Archived Talks
Jim McCloskey - Irish
"Verbless Clauses and the Extended Projections of Irish"
David Adger - Scottish Gaelic
"Focussed by not in Focus: The strange case of Gaelic pronouns"
David Willis - Welsh
Brian O'Broin - Irish
"Differences in syntax and the lexicon in the urban/Gaeltacht Irish divide"
Peredur Webb-Davies - Welsh
"The history of the future: investigating the grammaticalization of Welsh mynd i 'going to'"
Sylvia Schreiner - Scottish Gaelic
"A second perfect in Scottish Gaelic"
Gillian Ramchand - Scottish Gaelic
"Deriving VSO in Scottish Gaelic: Getting From Hierarchical Representations to Word Order"
Kevin Rottet - Welsh
"Making one's way in Welsh: Language Contact and constructional change."
Mélanie Jouitteau - Breton
"An investigation on embedded verb-second"
Gary Thoms - Irish & Scottish Gaelic
"On the derivation of prepositional dative constructions in Irish and Scottish Gaelic"
Scottish Gaelic
David Adger - Syntax
"Focussed by not in Focus: The strange case of Gaelic pronouns"
Claire Nance - Revitalization
William Lamb - Computational
"Emerging NLP technologies for Scottish Gaelic"
Sylvia Schreiner - Syntax
"A second perfect in Scottish Gaelic"
Thomas Stewart - Phonology
"Figure and Ground in Initial Mutation"
Gillian Ramchand - Syntax
"Deriving VSO in Scottish Gaelic: Getting From Hierarchical Representations to Word Order"
Gary Thoms - Morphology
"On the derivation of prepositional dative constructions in Irish and Scottish Gaelic"
Ian Clayton - Phonology
"Hebrides English: A Gaelic-influenced contact variety on Scotland's West Coast"
Gordon Wells - Revitalization
"Guth Thormoid: The "Island Voice" of Norman Maclean"
John Powell - Compuational
"Geospatial analysis of Glasgow Gaelic speakers over two censuses."
Caoimhín Ó Donnaíle - Computational
"Bunadas: A network database of cognate words with an emphasis on Celtic"
Kevin Patrick Scannel - Computational
"Computational models for predicting Celtic initial mutations"
Bernadette O'Rourke - Revitalization
"Re-thinking revitalisation in the 21st century through new language geographies"
Pavel Iosad - All
Sj Hannhas - Welsh
"Three puzzles in Welsh phonology"
Maggie Tallerman - Welsh
"Welsh consonantal mutation: triggering, blocking and lexical insertion"
Holly Kennard - Breton
Thomas Stewart - Scottish Gaelic
"Figure and Ground in Initial Mutation"
Ian Clayton - Scottish Gaelic
"Hebrides English: A Gaelic-influenced contact variety on Scotland's West Coast"
Kerry McCullough - Irish
"To bhe or not to be: The current use of ICM in Ireland's urban areas"
Jay Padgett, Ryan Bennett, Grant McGuire, Máire Ní Chiosáin and Jenny Bellik - Irish
"Syllable position in Irish secondary consonant articulation contrasts"
Pavel Iosad - All
Jim McCloskey - Syntax
"Verbless Clauses and the Extended Projections of Irish"
Brian O'Broin - Syntax
"Differences in syntax and the lexicon in the urban/Gaeltacht Irish divide"
Kevin Patrick Scannel - Computational
"Computational models for predicting Celtic initial mutations"
Bernadette O'Rourke - Revitalization
"Re-thinking revitalisation in the 21st century through new language geographies"
Cassie Smith-Christmas - Revitalization
Kerry McCullough - Phonology
"To bhe or not to be: The current use of ICM in Ireland's urban areas"
Jay Padgett, Ryan Bennett, Grant McGuire, Máire Ní Chiosáin and Jenny Bellik - Phonology
"Syllable position in Irish secondary consonant articulation contrasts"
Pavel Iosad - Phonology
"Laryngeal ultra-Realism and early Celtic obstruents"
John Walsh - Revitalization
"Minority language media as a policy tool: community radio and the revitalisation of Irish"
William Lamb - Scottish Gaelic
"Emerging NLP technologies for Scottish Gaelic"
Joe Eska - All
"Continental Celtic and Cartography"
Christopher Lewin - Manx
"Reconstructing eighteenth-century Manx: Bible translations as a linguistic data source"
Kevin Patrick Scannel - Irish
"Computational models for predicting Celtic initial mutations"
John Powell - Scottish Gaelic
"Geospatial analysis of Glasgow Gaelic speakers over two censuses."
Caoimhín Ó Donnaíle - Scottish Gaelic
"Bunadas: A network database of cognate words with an emphasis on Celtic"
David Willis - Welsh
Christopher Lewin - Computational / Revitalization
"Reconstructing eighteenth-century Manx: Bible translations as a linguistic data source"
Bernadette O'Rourke - Revitalization
"Re-thinking revitalisation in the 21st century through new language geographies"
Pavel Iosad - All
Claire Nance - Scottish Gaelic
Bernadette O'Rourke - Irish
"Re-thinking revitalisation in the 21st century through new language geographies"
Cassie Smith-Christmas - Irish
Gordon Wells - Scottish Gaelic
"Guth Thormoid: The "Island Voice" of Norman Maclean"
Stefan Moal - Breton
"The present sociolinguistic situation of Breton: what role for the Breton language media?"
John Walsh - Irish
"Minority language media as a policy tool: community radio and the revitalisation of Irish"
Mélanie Jouitteau - Morphology
"An investigation on embedded verb-second"
Holly Kennard - Phonology
Bernadette O'Rourke - Revitalization
"Re-thinking revitalisation in the 21st century through new language geographies"
Stefan Moal - Breton (coming soon)
"The present sociolinguistic situation of Breton: what role for the Breton language media?"
Pavel Iosad - All
Geographical & Historical
Brian O'Broin - Irish
"Differences in syntax and the lexicon in the urban/Gaeltacht Irish divide"
Ian Clayton - Scottish Gaelic
"Hebrides English: A Gaelic-influenced contact variety on Scotland's West Coast"
Joe Eska - All
"Continental Celtic and Cartography"
John Powell - Scottish Gaelic
"Geospatial analysis of Glasgow Gaelic speakers over two censuses."
Bernadette O'Rourke - Irish
"Re-thinking revitalisation in the 21st century through new language geographies"
Christopher Lewin - Manx
"Reconstructing eighteenth-century Manx: Bible translations as a linguistic data source"
Peredur Webb-Davies - Welsh
"The history of the future: investigating the grammaticalization of Welsh mynd i 'going to'"
David Willis - Syntax
Peredur Webb-Davies - Syntax
"The history of the future: investigating the grammaticalization of Welsh mynd i 'going to'"
Kevin Rottet - Syntax
"Making one's way in Welsh: Language Contact and constructional change."
Sj Hannhas - Phonology
"Three puzzles in Welsh phonology"
Maggie Tallerman - Phonology
"Welsh consonantal mutation: triggering, blocking and lexical insertion"
Bernadette O'Rourke - Revitalization
"Re-thinking revitalisation in the 21st century through new language geographies"
Pavel Iosad - All
Heterogeneous methodology is vital to a comprehensive view of the Celtic languages. We welcome linguists of all backgrounds and subfields whose interest in the Celtic languages can expand our knowledge of the phenomena they manifest.
Successful linguistic investigation of the Celtic languages requires the cooperation between experts and community members. FACL 2 showcases the linguistic collaboration that makes such research possible.
The Celtic languages are the medium for rich cultures of literature, song, poetry, history and indigenous knowledge-systems. It is our privilege to study them and to build relationships with and provide resources for endangered language communities.
About the acronym
FACL shares its pronunciation with the Goidelic word for 'word'. The translations for 'word' in the three Q-Celtic languages are provided below:
focal (Irish)
fockle (Manx)
facal (Scottish Gaelic)
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