Talks by Speaker

David Adger Queen Mary University of London

Brian Ó Broin William Paterson University

Ian Clayton University of Nevada, Reno

Jim McCloskey UC Santa Cruz

Kerry McCollough

Caoimhín Ó Donnaíle

Joe Eska Virginia Tech

SJ Hannahs Newcastle University

Pavel Iosad

Mélanie Jouitteau Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Holly Kennard University of Oxford 

William Lamb The University of Edinburgh

Christopher Lewin Aberystwyth University

Stephen Moal

Claire Nance Lancaster University

Jaye Padgett, Ryan Bennett, Grant McGuire, Máire Ní Chiosáin and Jenny Bellik

John Powell

Gillian Ramchand University of Tromsø

Kevin Rottet

Bernadette O'Rourke University of Glasgow

Kevin Scannell Saint Louis University

Sylvia Schreiner George Mason University

Cassie Smith-Christmas National University of Ireland, Galway

Thomas Stewart University of Louisville

Maggie Tallerman Newcastle University

Gary Thoms New York University

John Walsh

Peredur Webb-Davies Bangor University

Gordon Wells

David Willis University of Oxford