American Sign Language Level 2

2020-2021 Syllabus

Mrs. Correia

Required materials for class everyday:

  • Looseleaf 1 ½ Binder (No Spiral Notebooks)

  • Looseleaf Paper

  • Pocket Folder

  • Highlighter

  • Pens (Blue or Black Ink only)

Student ID and Password will be posted on Google Classroom

Grading Policy:

1) Participation: Classroom participation (attendance, punctuality, partner and group involvement)


2) Quizzes/Tests/Projects: Quizzes and Unit Tests (Vocabulary words, finger-spelling, numbers, phrases, and cultural questions. )Tests will always be announced. Tests cannot be made up without documentation for absence. Quizzes may be unannounced, so be prepared, quizzes or based on homework assignments.


3) Homework/Classwork: (Completing a worksheet while watching a signed video of your instructor or providing a signed video of yourself on Flipgrid or Loom) Looking up vocabulary on

Homework - 10%

Classwork - 20%

Like any foreign language, ASL has its own grammar and syntax. However, ASL has the added uniqueness of being a visual language.The silence of the class may seem quite strange and uncomfortable at first. Hopefully, you will grow to appreciate the necessity of this rule. Please respect it. Get involved, take chances, be silly, meet your classmates, laugh and most importantly have fun while learning.

You must be in class to experience this course! This language cannot be learned from a book or videotape on your own. It’s all about being involved.

Classroom Rules: Cell Phones should not be out during class. If I see the phone you will receive a warning and will need to put it away, if I see it again I will hold on to it and hand it over to the main office. If you feel that you can’t help looking at your phone you will have a chance to put the phone on my desk before class begins, once class is over you may take your phone back.

Remote learning Rules: Log on to class on time. Make sure you are in a well lit room and I'm able to see you from your waist up. Try to have the least amount of distractions around you. Please eat your Breakfast or Lunch prior to your class. It is important to stay on task during class, I may call on you to answer a question or go over a sign.

Extra Help: By appointment only. Please make an appointment with me at least one day prior to the extra help session.

Parents: Ask to see homework, graded test papers and quizzes. If you have any questions please feel free to call at the school at (Elwood) 631-266-5410 or email me at