Homework Policy

Why I Assign Homework:

I believe homework is important because it is a valuable aid in helping students to

make the most of their experience in school. I give homework because it is useful

in reinforcing what has been learned in class, prepares students for upcoming

lessons, teaches responsibility, and helps students develop positive study habits.

When Homework Will Be Assigned:

Homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday nights and occasionally on

Fridays. Assignments should take students no more than one hour to complete

each night, not including studying for tests. I will give students about one week’s

notice to study for tests.

Student’s Homework Responsibilities:

Students will copy their homework into their agenda. Students will do their best

job on their homework. Homework should be neat. Students will do the

work on their own and ask for help only after they have given it their best effort.

Students will hand in all assignments on time.

Teacher’s Homework Responsibilities:

At the end of the school day, I will post the homework online. Homework records

will be kept daily. I will recognize when students do their homework and offer incentives.

Parent’s Homework Responsibilities:

Parents are the key to making homework a positive experience for their children.

Therefore, I ask that parents make homework a top priority, provide necessary

supplies and a quiet homework environment, set a daily homework time, provide

praise and support, not let children avoid doing homework, and contact me if they

notice a problem. If your child has great difficulty with a particular assignment,

write me a note or email and have your child put the assignment away. The

assignment will be reviewed the next day.