Mr. Marino's Art Class

Back to School Night Video

Back to school night 2020 video.mp4

Welcome to my site. I'm Mr. Marino, Art Department staff member here at John H. Glenn H.S. I teach Studio in Art, Drawing and Painting I, and Drawing and Painting II. This is a journey in how you, the artist, can create and appreciate art while experiencing the Elements and Principles of Design.

Google Classroom codes

Period 1 Studio Art 4qtrhbe

Period 5 Studio Art 6hrvws7

Period 6 Drawing & Painting I bfxfhhq

Period 7 Drawing & Painting I lp6uazw

Period 9 Studio Art oemvdvx

Studio in Art: This is an introductory/foundation course which explores drawing, painting, 3-D and 2-D art in a variety of mediums. This course serves as a prerequisite for other art electives.

Drawing and Painting I & II: A variety of drawing and painting materials are presented in these courses to students interested in advanced techniques. Students are encouraged to develop individual responses and solutions to concepts and projects presented in class.

Homework Policy: Any unfinished in-class assignments should be handed in by the end of the marking period. Students are also responsible for gathering and saving their project references on their own time. There are no other homework assignments.

Dear Students;

I miss you all and I pray you and your families are well.

Please try to complete this drawing exercise within the next seven days:

  • Materials; Plain copy paper, or drawing pad paper if you have it, and a pencil.

  • Assignment:

In your home there's a window with a view outside. Use your phone to take a picture of this view which should include sky, land, part of a building (house, shed, dog house, etc.), and some plant life ( flower, tree, etc. or just part of one).

Using your phone picture as a reference, begin your drawing with lightly drawn contour lines (outlines). Next, apply shading and blending techniques to complete your drawing exercise. This should take about an hour to finish.

I suggest looking at 'landscape drawing tutorials' on YouTube for additional drawing techniques. You will find these very helpful.

Remember to just try your best. Your drawing will be amazing, because you are amazing!

I'll be in touch. God bless you.

Mr. Marino

If you would like to contact me, my e-mail is .

Mid - April Assignment;

Dear Students;

I pray all's well.

Please try your best to complete this drawing within the next seven days.


Plain copy paper or drawing pad paper if available, and a pencil.


For this next assignment, use your phone to take a picture of a view inside a room in your home. This should be a corner view that includes part of the ceiling, two walls, part of the floor, and a piece of furniture (chair, desk, table, etc.).

As in the last assignment, using the photo you took as a reference, begin a light contour (outline) drawing of this interior view. Then apply shade and blending technique to complete your drawing. This may take about an hour to complete. As always, effort is the main ingredient.

I'll be in touch and I look forward to seeing you all soon.

God's peace,

Mr. Marino

Early May Assignment:

Dear Students;

I pray all's well with you and your families.

Please try to complete this assignment within the next seven days.

For this assignment you will need your phone, sheet of drawing paper or plain copy paper, pencil, and eraser.

The Elements of Art are: Color, Form, Line, Shape, Space, Texture, and Value.

This Drawing exercise will be a study of the Element of 'Texture' on an object you see in everyday life.

Step 1. Take a picture of the bark or surface of a tree near your home.

Step 2. Use that picture as your reference and draw what you see in the photograph you have taken.

a. Start with lightly drawn lines.

b. Follow with shading (value changes), and blending.

c. This drawing should occupy more than half of the drawing surface (about the size of your open hand).

As always, try your best. I know your work will be amazing.

I'll be in touch as I look forward to seeing you all soon.

God's peace,

Mr. Marino

Mid May Assignment:

Dear Students;

I pray all's well with you and your families.

Please try to complete this assignment within the next seven to ten days.

For this assignment you will need your phone, pencil, eraser, sheet of plain copy paper or small drawing paper, and a shoe, sneaker, or boot.

The Elements of Art are: Color, Form, Line, Shape, Space, Value. and Texture.

In the previous drawing we studied the Element of Texture by looking closely at the surface of a tree. In this assignment we will study the Elements of Shape and Value.

Step 1: Use your phone to take a picture of a shoe (preferably an old one).

Step 2: Looking at the photograph that you took of the shoe, draw the 'Shape' of the shoe by using lightly drawn contour lines ('contour' refers to the outline of the object). Try to make the size of the drawing about the size of your opened hand.

Step 3: Complete your drawing by applying shade and blending. With the application of light and shadow you have employed the Element of 'Value'.

Please take a look at: "How to draw an old shoe with pencil, time lapse" on YouTube. It's only a few minutes and you'll find it helpful.

As always, try your best. I know your work will be amazing.

I'll be in touch as I look forward to seeing you all soon.

God's peace,

Mr. Marino

Late May- Early June Assignment:

  • Dear Students;

I pray all's well with you and your families.

For this assignment you will need your phone, pencil, eraser, and a sheet of copy paper or drawing paper,

As in the previous assignments, we will use some of the Elements of Design. These are; Color, Form, Line, Shape, Space, Texture, and Value.

Step 1: Use your phone to take a picture of an animal, either domesticated (family dog, cat, etc.) or wild (i.e., bird, squirrel, rabbit, etc.). If these are unavailable to you, please reference an on line photo image of an animal of your choice.

Step 2: Using this photograph as a reference, begin a lightly drawn contour (outline) of your animal on the drawing paper. This outline drawing should be about the size of your opened hand. Once the contour drawing is complete, you will have employed the Elements of Line and Shape in the outline drawing, as well as the Element of Space in it's placement on the page.

Step 3: As you move on to add blending and shading to your drawing, you'll be employing the Elements of Value and Form. And finally, the Element of Texture will be evident as you draw the surface of the animal, for example, it's fur, feathers, etc.

As a reference, please watch on YouTube; 'time lapse pencil drawing of a dog'. These are very helpful and the videos about two minutes long.

As always, try your best. I know your work will be amazing.

I'll be in touch as I look forward to seeing you all soon.

God's peace.

Mr. Marino