Nakamura Lab (Geo-Electrochemistry)
"Seeking the Mystery of Origins of Life"
Modern ecosystems supported by geo-electricity generation at deep-sea hydrothermal vents.
Chemical evolution of primitive life systems supported by geo-electricity at ancient hydrothermal vents.
Research Interests
At the bottom of the deep sea, chemical, thermal, and electrical energy conversion has been taking place over 3.8 billion years with an efficiency that far surpasses our modern technology. By unraveling the "ancient earth technology," our laboratory will devise the next generation energy conversion system and challenge the mystery of the origins of life.
Keywords: origin of life, bioenergetics, electrochemistry, catalytic chemistry, deep-sea floor, microbiology, energy conversion, sustainable society
Reference:『Electrolithoautotrophs』『Black smokers and electroecosystem』『Nanostructures in the deep ocean floor hint at life’s origin』『Carbon capture utilisation in the deep ocean: The hydrothermal fuel cell』 『New energy ideas from the sea’s dark depths』『Sustanable green hydrogen in a PEM electrolyzer』
研究紹介記事: 『私たちは巨大電池の上で生きている』 『深海の発電現象から探る無機物と生命の接点 』 『深海微生物を利用したエネルギー変換システム 』 『生命誕生の謎をめぐる冒険』 『深海底における電気化学的CO2固定』 『電子の流れから探る生命進化 』