Research Tools

Be sure you understand the assignment. What is your teacher expecting of you?

This will take time! Use your teacher's due dates or develop your own schedule of when to complete each element. You may find this time management tool useful. The research process isn't always linear; it can get a bit messy and iterative, and that's okay.

You need to know a little to know more. Realize that you'll likely need to do some preliminary research to develop a focus, create questions, and determine and locate good sources. Again, this isn't always linear; expect some back and forth.

Use reliable resources. You may feel confident vetting your own findings on the web, or you may feel secure knowing those offered below are regarded as authentic and valid. Try our News Media Literacy page for additional suggestions.

ELHS subscribes to these databases   

 The offsite password  is east_log

ELHS subscribes to this newspaper; see library staff for full access

These databases are offered through the CT State Library; you need a CT public library card to access

Salem Press: 

Health, History, and Science        

Offsite Password: east_log

Pew Research Center: 

Non-partisan fact tank "Numbers, facts and trends shaping your world"

Project Gutenberg: 

Over 70,000 Free eBooks "Gratis, libre, and completely without cost"

Use Noodletools for note taking and citations

Click here for help videos COMING SOON!