York High School

SkillsUSA Chapter and Club

About us

SkillsUSA is a state and national career and technical student organization serving more than 395,000 high school, college and middle school students and professional members enrolled in training programs in trade, technical and skilled service occupations. This club is for all currently enrolled students in Industrial Technology classes. SkillsUSA will also allow students to compete against other students at the state and national level in their respected areas of study.


Joe Stolz - jstolz@elmhurst205.org

Alex Egan - aegan@elmhurst205.org

Ryan Buckle - rbuckle@elmhurst205.org

Service projects:

Deserving Dukes

Food Pantry

Meeting times:

We usually meet once a month from Sept. - Dec. on Thursday's exact dates and times are sent out to members . Those meetings are held before and after school to accommodate all student schedules with other clubs and sports.

In the months Jan. - May we usually meet twice a month. We meet more during these months because we are getting prepared for the state qualifying exam and the state competitions. Dates and times are sent out accordingly.

Student Competitions at State

Cabinetmaking Architectural Drafting

Full Service Auto Power Equipment Tech.

Collision Repair Screen Printing Tech.

Adobe Photoshop Construction

Technical Drafting Essay Writing

Technical Math CNC Machining

Graphic Communications Auto Service Tech.