Coping with COVID-19

In this section, you will find tools to help both adults and children cope with the stress one may feel related to Covid-19. If you have found something helpful that you would like us to share, please email

Crisis Phone Support

DuPage County Health Department - Crisis Phone Support
(630) 627 - 1700
24 hours a day, 7 days a week


Text the word "TALK" to 555-0202. Within 24 hours, you will receive a phone call from a mental health professional.
You can also text other terms, like "unemployment" or "food" or "shelter" to the same number to receive information on how to navigate and access supports and services.
Call4Calm is free and individuals who use it can remain anonymous.

Healthy Home During Covid-19

This video reviews the purpose for social distancing and how to thrive during this stay-at-home time with good personal habits and thoughtful family interactions.

It can be scary to hear about a disease outbreak, but learning the facts can help ease your mind. A new coronavirus—a type of virus named for its crown-like shape—emerged in Wuhan, China in 2019, and then spread to people around the world. While the most severe cases often dominate the headlines, they’re not the whole story. Most coronavirus cases have been mild, and healthy bodies can fight off the infection on their own. Find out more about how viruses work, and the best ways to prevent them from infecting more people. Viruses can’t spread without our help, so click play to learn how not to help them!

Online/App Resources

  • Covid-19 E-book list has a collection of E-books and workbooks about Covid-19

  • USA Today article explaining Coronavirus to kids

  • Manage Anxiety & Stress - This article by the CDC provides information about anxiety, stress, and trauma all related to Covid-19.

  • Talking to Kids about Covid-19 - This article outlines the talking points and approaches to talking with your children about Covid-19. This can be revisited as we are constantly finding out new information from media, which our children can often overhear as well.

  • Child Mind Institute has a variety of resources to help families understand and navigate this pandemic.

  • CASEL has a variety of social-emotional resources for understanding Covid-19 for parents and children.

  • Human Rights Campaign has activities and resources for inclusive learning at home, including books and activities.

  • Supporting Individuals with Autism Through Uncertain Times - This 60-page toolkit from UNC provides guidance and tools in order to support individuals with Autism throughout all the changes we're experiencing. Includes social narratives, visual schedules, etc.

  • ELSA Support Well-Being Tool Kit includes links to activities for processing emotions during the pandemic.

Printable Resources

Mental Health_COVID.pdf

Mental Health & Covid-19


Talking to children about Covid-19

What to do if you're sick.

Who should I call about Covid-19?

Activity: Processing coronavirus

Bucket List

An easy game to talk about Covid-19 with kids

Parent tips for building perseverance through growth mindset strategies

Parent tips for navigating remote learning

Non-screen activities

Character activity board

2020 Covid-19 time capsule sheets.pdf