District 205 Estimated Metrics

Since Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205 falls within four zip codes, we estimate our COVID positivity rates and new cases per 100,000 people based on publicly available data at http://covid-dashboard.fsm.northwestern.edu/

NOTE: The Illinois Department of Public Health has stopped publishing the number of tests per day on its website. As such, the information on this page (estimated cases and positivity rate) is not able to be updated.

  • The estimated positivity and cases per 100,000 for the District is determined by taking a weighted average for the four zip codes that serve District 205. The weights below are based on the the approximate population of students from each city that attend our schools.

Elmhurst is weighted at 91.41%

Bensenville is weighted at 6.44%

Oak Brook is weighted at 1.20%

Addison is weighted at 0.95%

Typically, this information is updated once per day.

Data used to create both of the charts above is seen below and is updated each week on Friday.

205 Information