Core Values

Core Values

A big part of FIRST is how we work as a team and use the Core Values, which are Innovation, Inclusion, Fun, Teamwork, Impact, and Discovery. We enjoy doing outreach throughout the year to share our love of STEAM and Robotics with our community. Below are some recent activities and events that we have participated in.


Impact - Teamwork - Fun - Discovery - Inclusion - Innovation


We impact our community by sharing our love of STEAM and robotics. We have helped Girl Scout troops earn robotics and coding badges and we've made STEAM kits for kids. We also enjoy supporting other FIRST teams! Coopertition is the best :)  


We use teamwork to complete tasks, like when we formed Team Alpha Geek Production Company to create our Story Quest. We worked as a large group at times and in smaller groups throughout the season to get more things done. 


We have a lot of Fun in Lego league, for example for our hobby presentation our group went geocaching because we had to experience the hobby because not everyone in the group had gone geocaching before. We also play games, have pizza parties, make crafts like frames and ornaments, and enjoy hanging out. We are Team ALPHA GEEK. 


We always like to try new things and find solutions to problems. We have learned many new things about robot including what gyro drift is. We also learned new ways to stay organized and make decisions like using a kanban board.


We include everybody in everything we do. Everybody on our team has built and coded the robot. We also respect each other's differences, like when we lit fireworks for Diwali to celebrate our success at Regionals. We also learned about each other and our different hobbies and interests by making art murals and collages! 


We use creative thinking to solve problems in innovative ways both in the robot game, and in our innovation project. When we have a problem we try to find ways to solve it. In robot we figured out how to do broadcasting blocks, a new Gryro Drift Myblock and we used a Wait blocks to solve a problem with transitions.