Our team works with outreach, both STEAM and non-STEAM related, and sponsorships.  We have a successful social media campaign that includes Instagram and YouTube, and have hosted activities to connect with our community.  


Our team goes to Makerfaire at Discovery World every year to showcase our robot and participate in all the other STEAM related activities.


We visited Green Bay to participate in the Rock the Dock Fundraiser. We hope to go again next year. 


Our team went to demo our robot at an FRC event as a part of TWIST (Together Women In STEAM Thrive). We drove our robot and showcased our team to all the onlookers and told them about what we do in FTC. 

EEF Ladies Night

We were invited to the EEF Ladies event, it was a great opportunity to showcase our team as a whole, to parents and our Elmbrook community that probably may have or haven’t heard of the robotics team at our school. 


We participated in the Fourth of July Parade this year for the third year in a row. This has been a great privilege to show our community about FIRST.


We have been interviewing many women in STEAM. We have interviewed many prominent women in STEAM. All the videos are posted on our YouTube channel!
@FTC Team Superstellar

Camp Cosmo

Our team hosted Camp Cosmo. Camp Cosmo was a STEAM camp for elementary to middle school kids, where they used a design process and worked as a team to solve a challenge.

FLL Mock Judging

Some of our team helped out our FLL teams in our district. They did a mock judging with the FLL team so they would be prepared for their competition.

Kendra Scott

We went to Kendra Scott and displayed our robot and educated interested people who came in about FIRST in our community.


We got an opportunity to visit the Milwaukee Academy of Science, a charter school in an underrepresented district where we gave a presentation about robotics and related career paths. Later we worked with a group of interested students, helping them build and program a Lego robot.

Zoom Meetings

We have met with many teams from different parts of the world and we learn how FIRST impacts them in their part of the world. We also have shared the ways we plan and work together with our different subsystems.

BEAST Summer Camp

Every year we attend a summer camp FRC team BEAST hosts. The Summer camp focused on showing kids fun aspects of STEM. We shared what it’s like to be on an FTC team in all aspects including mechanical, software, and business.