Ellsworth's Flexible Learning Days

Because this all came about so quickly, we want to make sure we are doing what we can to meet your needs. Please don't hesitate to reach out to the building principals with any questions or concerns!

Safter-At-Home Update

We learned yesterday that the Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down Gov. Tony Evers’ latest Safer-At-Home Order. With this, many may be wondering how this affects schools across the state.

Under the Safer At Home order, all Wisconsin schools were ordered closed through June 30th. Legal guidance from the Department of Public Instruction has advised that the State Supreme Court’s decision does not invalidate the portion of the Stay At Home Order closing schools and Wisconsin schools remain closed.

During the current closure we are continually meeting with various groups and agencies to learn more about the latest guidance for schools. There are many factors that are being continually evaluated as we plan the path to safely open our schools. As we learn more and get further guidance we will be sure to keep people informed.

For Updates Please Click HERE!

Ellsworth Elementary

Mary Zimmerman- 4K-1Principal zimmermanm@ellsworth.k1.wi.us

John Groh- 2-5th Principal grohj@ellsworth.k12.wi.us

Ellsworth Middle

Jon Dodge- Principal dodgej@ellsworth.k12.wi.us

Tim Conway- Assistant Principal conwayt@ellsworth.k12.wi.us

Ellsworth High

Mark Stoesz- Principal Stoeszm@ellsworth.k12.wi.us

Jason Janke- Assistant Principal jankej@ellsworth.k12.wi.us

School Counseling Team

Ellsworth School District would like to notify all students, parents, and staff that grab and go lunches are available to anyone who may need them. There is no cost. Students and parents may pick up lunches at the high school cafeteria. Please contact the high school office with any questions or concerns. Watch the district's Facebook page and the school website for ever-changing information.

Here are some basic things to know about what Flexible Learning Days at ECSD include:

Flexible Learning will take different forms depending on grade level and subject area. These experiences may look and feel very different from a student’s typical in-class experience—learning experiences will vary in ways that are developmentally appropriate and instructionally feasible. For example, as teachers plan to modify their content to fit a distance-learning framework, students may read books, work on independent projects, meet via video conference, watch online videos, write blogs, be asked to play games with family members, and so forth. We will also work with families so that they know how best to support their children in their learning.

Unlike typical school days when students meet together at a particular time of day, students often experience distance learning differently. In some cases students will learn asynchronously or on their own time; in other cases, classes may meet virtually in real time in order to continue the in-class, group-learning experience.

Our goal is not to recreate the typical 8 a.m. - 3:25 p.m. school-day experience. This might mean that students will participate in more independent learning and have reduced direct instructional time with their teachers. Taking into account the disruption of a prolonged school closure, the school will do its best to balance quality and quantity. We will prioritize delivering high-quality and meaningful activities for our students, rather than simply trying to fill the hours of a full school day.

Functions like grading, assessment, attendance and homework may be different than the typical in-class framework. Teachers will share expectations around these topics with their students and families for each class or grade level.

ECSD recognizes that families have different resources available at home. Our teachers will work with students and families individually to ensure that all learning opportunities are equitably available for all students in class. If you have specific concerns about your family’s resources (computers, internet access, etc.), please reach out to your child’s teacher or building administrator with those concerns and we will do our best to respond.

Thank you for your cooperation and flexibility during this time. We understand this is a hardship for many families. We are not providing this information to add to those hardships and we will be flexible and work with you to get through this. Have your child do what they can, try to keep the learning momentum going and reach out if you have questions or need assistance.

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