"Every piece of you is unique and special"

It is so hard to believe that we are this far along in the 2023-2024 school year already! WOW, time flies! The students have been working so hard and we have been doing a lot of work at EES centered around KINDNESS. Each of our character traits encompasses kindness. For more information on our Character Ed Program please click the top tab above. 

-Mrs. Groh, Mrs. Zimmer, & Mrs. Bennett-Deiss-


Mrs. Groh: 4K-2nd - grohl@ellsworth.k12.wi.us

Mrs. Zimmer:  3rd-5th - zimmerk@ellsworth.k12.wi.us

Behavior Interventionist

Katie Bennett-Deiss  - deisska@ellsworth.k12.wi.us

Mental Health Coordinator

Kiley Fiala - fialak@ellsworth.k12.wi.us

District Mental Health Website 

District Social Worker

Olivia Carlson - carlsono@ellsworth.k12.wi.us

YouTube Social Emotional Stories for SNOW DAYS
Katie Bennett-Deiss