Vocational Pathways

What is Vocational Pathways?

Vocational Pathways is a tool that helps you to see how your strengths, interests and achievements relate to future study options and job opportunities.

The pathways provide clear study options that are valued by employers and show you what employers expect you to achieve in your learning.

The pathways cover six industry sectors:

How can Vocational Pathways help me?

Vocational Pathways provides more options for learners to complete NCEA Level 2. By having more ways and places to achieve NCEA Level 2 you’ll have more pathways into further learning and work.

When you complete a Vocational Pathway you’ll receive a Vocational Pathways Award as well as receiving NCEA Level 2.

Achieving a Vocational Pathways Award shows employers you have the knowledge and skills they’re looking for.